Adora is tapping her fingers to the music as we pull into the parking lot. Octavia just finished her drink as she says 'Korra and Lexa are meeting us there right?'

Hope nods as I pull into the parking lot.

I pass Hope her her second coffee as we get out of the car and start walking toward the school.

She smiles at me and takes another long sip.

Hope leads us to the office as Adora throws out her and Octavia's garbage before jogging to catch up.

__Time Skip___

The day is going by insanely slowly.

Like my brain feels fried.

Thank god it is finally lunch.

I walk into the cafeteria.

I pause in the doorway and close my eyes and take a deep breath as I focus on Korra's heartbeat from her spot next to me.

She rests her hand on my shoulder as she says 'You okay Kara?'

I nod as I reopen my eyes and head toward the line.

She follows after me as I say 'Totally fine. I am just tired.'

Korra gives me an understanding smile as she says 'Well lunch isn't over for a bit and we are meeting the pack outside. You can find a shady tree and nap for a while. I will make sure we wake you up before our next class'

I smile thankfully at her as we grab our food and head outside to where Hope told us everyone was meeting up.

When we finally have them in our sights Korra jogs up to them and plops down next to Adora as they start talking about their classes.

I feel my phone buzz from my back pocket.

I pull out and smile at the message

From Alex <3:

Hey Kar! Hope you are enjoying the new school! Nothing to overwhelming right?

To Alex: Hey Alex, it is boring! I know most of the stuff they are teaching. It is bigger then our other school so more voices but I am taking your advice and just focusing on Korra or Hope's heart beat. It helps a lot.

From Alex:

I am glad! It has to be around lunch time for you. Go eat I know you are probably starving. You can tell me all about your day when you get home.

I smile and click my phone off as I sit next to Hope.

She glances at me with a worried eyebrow raised as she says 'Everything okay Kar?'

I nod and take a bite of a potsticker before I say 'Yah, you know me, not the biggest fan of big crowds. The cafeteria was more crowded then I expected.'

She gives me an understanding smile as she gives me one of her potstickers.

I give her my brightest smile as I quickly eat it.

I focus on Hope's heartbeat as the noises of the animals around us get loud.

Octavia smiles at our group as she says 'What class does everyone have next?'

Time Skip to 2 weeks later

We all finally got back to the pack house.

Different members were milling around. Some of the younger members where playing video games in the game room while some where cooking a big dinner for everyone.

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