Chapter 4

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Jotaro walked into the training area of the SPWF facility just in time to hear Kakyoin start yelling and cursing.

"SHIT!! Damnit, Dr. K!! That fucking hurt! Why do you have to hit that same spot every time?!"

"If you would learn to protect your right side, I would not have such wonderful openings to hit that spot!"

Kakyoin screamed and went after the woman with everything he had, only to end up flat on his back groaning in pain.

Suddenly, Jotaro was wondering if there might be merit to what Kakyoin had told him earlier about the doctor.

"Oh look! A new student!" Dr. Keiko said, voice dripping with menacing glee.

"Run, Jotaro! She's in a mood! Get out while you can!" Kakyoin called from his spot on the floor.

"Oh, shut up, Noriaki. Now, get over here and let's see what you got, big guy." She said, waving Jotaro over with her bokken.

"Uhh, pass?"

Dr. Sasaki smiled and took her stance, "Not a chance. Would you like to warm up or just get down to it?"

"You know I could kill you with one hit, right?" Jotaro said as he took his stance a few feet away from her.

"You have to hit me first. Noriaki has only hit me once in the 8 months we've been working together. But please, feel free to try as hard as you wish. Just know that I will not hold back."

"Fine, just don't go...gah!!"

He didn't get a chance to finish as the tiny woman lunged at him with the bokken, nearly stabbing him in the stomach. Jotaro became serious very quick as he tried everything he knew to hit the doctor. He couldn't touch her. She was too damn fast. This joy, she couldn't hit him either.

That is until Kakyoin opened his big mouth.

"Oh, come on Dr. K! you're going easy on him! Kick his ass!!"

Jotaro opened his mouth to tell Kakyoin to fuck off but found himself flat on his back trying to breath before the words could form.

Kakyoin's strange laugh filled the air and while it was music to Jotaro's ears, he still raised a hand and flipped him off.

That just made Kakyoin laugh harder and Jotaro couldn't help but smile.


"Can you make it home ok or do you need help?" Kakyoin asked as they headed out of the facility once Dr. Sasaki was finished beating them.

"I'm fine."

"Are you sure? You look like you can barely walk."

"She...hit me in the ass with that...stick...multiple times..." Jotaro growled.

It took Kakyoin a minute to control the laughter threatening to bubble up before he could speak, "Yeah, you have a habit if turning to far when you're preparing to hit with your right hand. She likes to hit weaknesses extra hard so that you learn to keep your guard up. It's why I have a permanent bruise on my right thigh."

"So that's why you come to class limping occasionally."

"That's it. Are you sure you don't need help?"

"I'm fine!"

"Ok, ok! Fine. I'll see you tomorrow then. Enjoy your evening, Jotaro." Kakyoin said with a polite bow before walking off.

"See you tomorrow, Kakyoin."

Jotaro could kick himself and his damn pride for not asking Kakyoin for help. It would have definitely ended with Holly inviting him to dinner and NO ONE can refuse Holly Joestar Kujo. Dr. Sasaki was giving him every chance he needed to reconcile with Kakyoin, yet he kept blowing the perfect opportunities.

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