Chapter 7

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Kakyoin sighed as he finished up the report from his last patient. The poor SPWF agent had been mind controlled by an enemy stand and made to do terrible things. Now the man had severe PTSD and was on biweekly visits to Kakyoin’s office.

After high school, Kakyoin had decided to pursue psychology as a career path and never regretted it. Well, almost never. There was one point he deeply regretted it but that was the past, dead and gone. His life was full now. He was married with a son to be born in just weeks. For the first time in many years, he was truly happy.

There was a knock on his door and his secretary entered, followed by none other than Jotaro Kujo.

The secretary bowed, “My apologies, Mr. Kakyoin, he refused to take no for an answer.”

Kakyoin sighed. He knew this conversation would happen sooner or later, “It’s fine. Please, cancel my afternoon appointments.”
“Yes, sir”

“Have a seat, Dr. Kujo. What’s on your mind?” Kakyoin said as he saved his report and closed the document, opening a new one for this meeting.

“You know what’s on my mind. Marina…”

“Your wife. What about her?”

“Ex-wife. She’s in SPWF lock up now.”

“Yes, I heard. How have you been since?”

“Can you stop being a doctor for a moment?!”

“What would you have me be, Dr. Kujo?”

“My friend, maybe?!”

Kakyoin sighed, “We’ve tried that, Jotaro. It never ends well for me…”

“It wasn’t my fault…you know that.”

“I know…but it doesn’t change how things are now or how I felt at the time. You hurt me, Jotaro. You broke your promise, again.”

“Not by choice…”

“It doesn’t matter now…”

“Please, Nori…”

“Things are different now…”

“They don’t have to be, I still love…”

There was a knock at the door, interrupting Jotaro’s confession.

“Nori, are you…oops! I’m sorry! I didn’t realize you were in session. The light wasn’t on!”

Jotaro watched Kakyoin’s whole attitude change when the heavily pregnant woman with long auburn hair walked in the room. His eyes narrowed and a growl came to his voice, “I’m not. Why are you not home resting?”

“I came to surprise you for lunch!”

“You should be in bed. The doctor said…”

“The doctor said to take it easy, not stay in bed 24/7. Besides, I stopped and picked up your favorite.” She said, holding up a large bag.

Kakyoin jumped out of his chair and crossed the room in a flash, despite the heavy limp he now had, taking the bag and leading the woman to a chair, “You are stubborn…”

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