Chapter 9: Izuku and Katsuki, A New Start?

Start from the beginning

"I-I'm sure you'll be able to figure something out. Maybe the support department has something to fight nausea." Izuku pointed out as he regained his composure.

"Maybe, I'll make sure to check it out later." Ochaco replied, as she and Izuku made their way out of the building. "Are you sure you don't need to go to Recovery Girl with these injuries?"

"I-I'm fine, I can go after the class ends." Izuku replied. He wanted to stick around and study his classmates' Quirks and technically, he was used to getting these types of injuries from Bakugo. It wasn't the first time after all. Izuku's had a hint of sadness in them as the last thought crossed his mind.

Speaking of Bakugo, the explosion teen was still where Izuku left him, utterly silent. His eyes were still wide open in shock. It was obvious that he wasn't taking this loss so well.

"Deku defeated... me." Bakugo murmured to himself and finally broke the silence. He was still sitting on the ground and shaking. He never imagined in his life, that he would ever hear himself saying those three words. "I-I didn't stand a chance against him, and he wasn't even using his fu-full power... Th-Then does that mean that if Deku fights me using his full power... I'll be completely destroyed? Does that mean... I'm not even in his league?" Bakugo rhetorically asked himself. Despite how much he wanted to deny this, to say it was a fluke or that this was all possibly a bad dream and that he'll soon wake up. Bakugo knew it wasn't. Deku, the Quirkless kid who despite how much he tried to put him down, always got up, finally did what Bakugo always feared. He rose above him and bested him. "When... when did Deku even get this strong? How did I not notice this?" Bakugo added, as tons of questions were popping in his head right now. His panic was becoming more and more evident the more he questioned Izuku's strength. That is until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Come back, Young Bakugo. It's time to review the results. Whether you win or lose, looking back and learning from your experiences is a part of life." All Might said from behind Bakugo, finally able to snap him out of his shock. Bakugo then somewhat regained his composure before he followed the Pro Hero.

The Monitor Room:

As the participants returned to the monitor room, the teachers finished grading each one of them and decided on who was getting the MVP.

"Well, even if I say that the MVP for this battle was Young Midoriya! I want to hear all of your opinions on this match."

"Midoriya rocks!" Mina shouted.

"Young Ashido, we're talking about detailed comments for the four of them here." All Might sternly replied as this is supposed to be a serious discussion.

"Sorry." She apologized.

"Anyone wants to share his opinions about the match." All Might then noticed Momo Yaoyorozu raising her hand and naturally, gave her the permission to speak.

"Yes, All Might-sensei." Momo replied. "Midoriya is the MVP because he adapted the most to the context of the training. He managed to capitalize on Bakugo's weakness and got his attention, in order for Uraraka to locate the weapon. He defeated Bakugo with minimal damage to the building, and finally secured his team's victory. However, it is also to be noted that it was a mistake from him to hold back during his fight with Bakugo. After all, as we all saw, he could've finished the battle much earlier if he had used that special form from the start. But if it was for the purpose to conserve some stamina to fight Iida later, then I believe we can ignore this mistake." Momo gave her input on Izuku before turning towards Bakugo.

"From watching the match, it was evident to me that Bakugo acted on his own because of an obviously personal grudge, which is a critical mistake that as I said before, Midoriya was able to capitalize. Not only that, but as All Might-sensei said, it is foolish to launch a large-scale attack indoors. As for Uraraka... She let her guard down in mid-battle, which could have cost her dearly if this was a real battle. On the other hand, Iida did pretty well. He had prepared for his opponent's arrival and assumed it would be a fight over the weapon, which made him late in responding to the final attack. Honestly speaking, Iida wasn't too far from being the MVP either." Momo finished, as everyone was clearly awestruck at her analytic skills. That is except for Bakugo, who was just upset and looking down, and Iida who was now happy with his overall performance.

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