Come Home

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The minute Renesmee slid off Jacob's back, the world tilted and her knees buckled. Bella was quick to catch her, cradling her in her arms just as she had when she was a child. "Mom?"

"I'm here," Bella whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead as she carried her back to the cottage. "You're safe. Everything's alright now."

Renesmee nodded, closing her eyes and allowing herself to slip into unconsciousness as Bella tucked her into bed.

Bella stroked her cheek and left the room, just in time to see Jacob come in after phasing back. "Where is she, Bells?"

"She's in her room, asleep. Come sit down, you look pretty shaken too," she said, patting the spot beside her on the couch. Jacob sighed heavily and sank down into the fluffy white cushions. "What happened, Jake?"

His lips curled back over his teeth in a dark growl. "Olivia."

"Olivia?" Bella shook her head. "But Alice said she only saw Renesmee."

Jacob nodded. "Yeah well, that's because the bitch didn't do anything and she stayed hidden."

"Do you think she was alone or could you smell others?"

"Nope. Just her." He frowned suddenly, realizing how unusually quiet it was. "Where is everyone?"

Bella sighed. "Alice and Esme are up at the house. Everyone else went to find you two after Alice told us about her vision of Renesmee."

"I wish they'd find Olivia instead," he growled, getting to his feet and beginning to pace. "That bloodsucker's got her so scared-"

"Hey, watch the volume," Bella hissed. "She's exhausted, let her sleep."

"Sure, sure. Sorry," he said softly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I just feel so... I feel helpless. I hate seeing her like this."

Bella nodded. "I know. Me too. You're not helpless though, Jake. She loves you. I've seen you two together, y'know, and you're stronger together. So why don't you go get some rest too? You look like you could use it."

"Yeah, I will," he sighed, wrapping her in a brief hug. "Thanks."

"Anytime," Bella smiled, returning the hug. "You're still my best man."

Jacob chuckled and released her before following the familiar path to Renesmee's room.


Night was upon him. And it was raining. It had been for a while, though just how long, he wasn't sure. He knew he should head back, but he couldn't. Not yet. Not without his daughter. She may still be out here somewhere, alone and afraid. And with the threat of Olivia looming over them, he would search the whole country if he had to.

Edward sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. He wished he was better at tracking. Already he had searched nearly the entire state of Washington and run the Canadian boarder. Still, he'd found nothing. What if Olivia had gotten to her first? What if she had taken her back to Italy?

In a panic, he briefly considered running to the east coast and swimming to Volterra to reclaim his daughter. But no, that would be foolish. The one time he'd been to Volterra, his sole purpose had been to die. This time, he intended to get out alive, or at the very least, get Renesmee out alive. They would put up a fight for her, he was certain. The Volturi had always kept an eager eye on Renesmee and her gifts, and he knew he would need the help of his family. He reached into his pocket to find his phone to call his family and tell them his plan so they could make all the necessary preparations, only to find... nothing. His pockets were completely empty. Edward groaned. "Of all the days to forget my phone."


Bella stood looking out the front window of the cottage, in the same spot she'd been for hours, thinking the same thing she'd been for hours. Her shield was down, and she repeated the message in her head, over and over, just in case her husband was nearby. Edward, she's here. Renesmee's safe. Please come home. Please come home.

She suddenly felt the worry lift from her shoulders and she turned to find Jasper and Alice coming in through her back door. Jasper gave her a small smile and a slight nod. Ordinarily, she did not like him manipulating her emotions, but today she was thankful for it. Alice rushed over to her and wrapped her in a hug. "Everything's going to be fine, you'll see," Alice said, and her voice was so reassuring, Bella could almost believe it.


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