As promised...

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So as promised, I've made a drawing of our dear character, Nicholas Higashi!

So as promised, I've made a drawing of our dear character, Nicholas Higashi!

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He looks like a thug Kpop star, lol.
(Blame my artstyle, hahaha 😆
Honestly tho, I'm not sure about his hair. Hahaha I've changed it like a lot of times before I hopelessly gave up and just let it be.)

What do you guys think? Is he what you've imagined him to be?

You can ask me (or Nik) questions, and I'll answer it in the next chap. And maybe I can throw away another fanart if a few requested, lol.

side note: I don't know when I will be writing again, cause I'm actually veryyyy busy, but being the procrastinator that I am, I'm killing time being here, cause it's been a very long time since I opened WP. (and this writer's block is annoying the hell outta me) Hope y'all wait for me tho when I can freely write again. 💕

Lots of love,

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