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Lilith narrates:

Many years ago, in a realm called Asgard. The all-powerful All-Father Odin rules over Asgard with the All-Mother, Frigga, and his sons. The eldest, Thor the god of thunder and lightning is a warrior with brute strength and wields Mjolnir. The youngest, Loki the god of Mischief, and Lies is the adopted son of Odin. Loki was the son of Laufey the king of Jotunheim until he was abandoned by his people, Odin took him in and raised him as his own.

Thor was meant to be crowned the new King of Asgard but it was delayed when he, the warriors three, Sif, and Loki traveled to Jotunheim to seek answers from Laufey due to two of his soldiers tried to take the Casket of Ancient Winters from the vault. Thor's actions broke the peace treaty between Asgard and Jotunheim. As punishment, Odin stripped Thor of his power and banished him to Midgard or Earth as mortals call it. He would only return if he proves that he is worthy of Mjolnir once again.

However, Loki discovered that he wasn't really Odin's son after he touched the Casket and it revealed his true form. He was blinded by anger and rage for being lied to all these years. Odin had fallen into the Odinsleep which made Loki the All-Father until Odin is awakened. He had planned Jotuns to invade Asgard and take back the Casket.

But it failed, Thor had proved he was worthy thanks to a mortal named Jane Foster and stopped Loki but he fell into the Abyss to avoid his punishment from the All-Father. Odin had awakened from his slumber. Thor and the All-Father soon found out that Loki was alive and on Midgard, but he had given in to the darkness for too long. Thor found out that Loki had a wife named Sigyn and three sons named Sleipnir, Fenris, and Jorgumand before he had fallen into the Abyss. Thor had returned with Loki in chains, the guards took him to the All-Father. As punishment, Loki was banished to the dungeons of Asgard.

However, the King of Auradon had a better idea, he suggested that Loki and his family would be banished to Midgard. Loki begged the All-Father not to have his family involved but it was too late, the King of Auradon had his men round up Loki and his family and sent them to the Isle of the Lost with a magical barrier to keep every villain and sick kick and basically all the unimportant people there.

This is my territory, no magic, no Wi-Fi, no way out. Or so I thought. You'll meet us soon but first, this happened.

3rd person pov:

In Auradon, Prince Ben was staring out his window, looking out at the Isle of the Lost. He felt sorry for all those kids. He's going to be king soon and he had already known what his first official proclamation. He was just hoping his parents would be supportive of his decision. His parents, Queen Belle and King Beast walked in while the royal tailor was measuring Ben for his suit. "Mom, Dad, I've chosen my first official proclamation. I have decided that the children on the Ise of the Lost should be given a chance, to live here in Auradon." Ben stated.

The news of this idea shocked his parents. He explained that every time he looks out at the island he feels like they've been abandoned. "The children of our sworn enemies? Living among us?" Beast questioned.

"We start out with a few at first--only ones who need our help the most," Ben stated. "I've already chosen them."

Beast wasn't sure about bringing in villain kids but Belle remind him that she gave him a second chance. Belle asked Ben who the parents are of the villain kids that were chosen. Before Ben could list them, Terra Thorsdottir, the daughter of Thor and Jane walked in. Her father thinks she could learn a little bit on being part mortal so King Beast allowed Terra to start school at Auradon Prep. "Terra, always a pleasure to see you." King Beast spoke.

"The honor is mine, King Beast, Queen Belle. I heard Prince Ben's idea of bring in the children of the Isle of the Lost. So please who did you pick?" Terra asked.

She's like her father hardheaded and stubborn but she's smart like her mother, only Terra has her father's act now think later policy. Ben started listing out the five villain kids "Cruella Devile, Jafar, Evil Queen," Ben takes a deep breath to introduce the last two. "Maleficant and Loki."

King Beast was roaring with anger when Ben mentioned Maleficent, she's the worst villain in the land. "And Loki?! Are you mad?!" Terra shouted. "Migard barely survived his attack, if he's child is anything like him, then the nine realms are doomed!"

"Dad, Terra, their children are innocent! Don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life?" Ben questioned.

It wasn't long before King Beast accepted Ben idea. Terra on the other hand, still thinks that the villain could trick them especially when they have the child of the God of Mischief and Lies. Still, she went along with it, most cause she didn't have much of a chose and the fact that Loki's child is also her cousin.

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