Chapter 8

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Mal's POV:

We were in Remedial Goodness class minus Lilith as The Fairy Godmother spoke "As you know, this Sunday is Family Day here at Auradon Prep. And because your parents can't be here due to distance, we've arranged for a special treat."

Fairy Godmother turned on a computer and we saw my mom, Cruella, Jafar, and the Evil Queen on the screen. They were having issues on how to turn on the computer and arguing about it. We then saw Loki and his sons appear on the screen. "Oh for god's sake, give me that!" Loki said as he turned on the computer.

Our parents could finally see us and Fairy Godmother. Although, mom was having more fun teasing Fairy Godmother about her story with Cinderella. All four of our parents were laughing like hyenas except for Loki. By the time I went to talk to her, mom changed her attitude very quickly so that way Fairy Godmother didn't listen to the plan. I shared the details of the coronation with her so that way they know when the wand will be in their hands. Loki on the other hand was more concerned about where Lily was. "Mom, could you give us some time alone to talk to Loki? We have some news about Lilith and it's not good." I stated.

"Fine. But make it quick!" Mom ordered as she and the others left the room.

Loki looked at us with worry in his eyes as Fairy Godmother stepped in. We explained everything that happened to Lily for the past few weeks here and now she's lost control and disappeared. "Tell me you found her." Loki said.

"No luck. But I'm afraid your daughter has also broken into the museum and stole the casket of winters and your scepter. One of our students found this necklace outside." Fairy Godmother explained then showed Loki the necklace.

Fenris looked like he wanted to murder someone until his brother called him down. Loki was begging to Fairy Godmother to let him come to Auradon. The four of them were the only ones that can snap Lilith out of her rage. "I'm afraid it's not up to me or the king. It's up to Odin if he frees you." Fairy Godmother explained.

"Great. We're doomed." Carlos stated.

"Maybe not. What about Frigga? She's here maybe she can help." Evie explained.

Evie was onto something, Lily had gotten close to Frigga so she just might be our best chance to get Loki out of the Isle. Of course my mom and the other villains popped up. Cruella saw Carlos holding Dude and she planned on turning him into earmuffs until Carlos had enough. "He's the perfect size for a pet. This dog loves me and I love him! And FYI, your dog is stuffed! So, give it a rest!" he shouted.

The Villains started to argue with each other as Jay turned off the computer and the Fairy Godmother apologized then we picked up our things and headed out of the classroom. When Evie asked me what our parents would do to us, I tried to answer calmly but we all knew we are definitely goners if we don't get the wand or save Lily.

Later in the night, we all met up in Carlos and Jay's dorm to review both plans for the wand and for Lily

Mal: "Okay, we all know what this looks like. So, we'll be up on the dais under the Beast's spell jar, and we'll be coming in from here. Lily and I will be in the very front. You'll all be up on the balcony. Carlos?"

Carlos: "Yeah, so I'll find our limo, so we can break the barrier and get back on the island with the wand."

Mal: "Perfect. Evie?"

Evie: "Yeah."

Mal: (Holds a perfume bottle.) "You will use this to take out the driver. Two sprays and he'll be out like a light."

Evie: "Ok."

Mal: "Now for Lily. Family Day is tomorrow so that'll be where Lily makes her attack. Once we talk Frigga, Loki and the boys will be hiding in the shadows until Lily appears. Jay?"

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