Chapter 9

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Loki's pov:

Seeing my daughter turning into the villain that I feared the most was heartbreaking. I watched as Mal ordered Jay and Carlos to evaluate the crowd far away from my daughter. I saw Thor looking ready to attack her but I stopped him. "Loki, what are you doing?!" he shouted at me.

"Don't hurt her. She's just scared. I can get through to her if I can get close to her." I explained.

I saw Lilith raise the scepter at my so-called niece, ready to freeze her. As much as I wanted her to suffer the consequences for hurting my little girl, I couldn't let my daughter make things worse. I had no choice, I blasted a spell at her to stop her from freezing Terra. She looked straight at me with raging blood red eyes. It's worse than I feared, her anger had completely taken her over. My magic was a little rusty but I can still snap her out of it.

I saw Evie using her mirror to blind Lilith as Mal flew to her and placed the necklace on her. It slowly worked but the scepter was stronger than the necklace. I flew up to her, trying to get that cursest scepter away from her. "Lilith, give me the scepter." I ordered.

She didn't say anything, she aimed the scepter at me and tried to blast me but Jay jumped in front of me and took the blast. His legs were frozen and tumbled to the ground. I took the chance and grabbed hold of the scepter. I could feel it trying to take over my mind but I reminded myself that I'm no longer evil, I needed to save my daughter. I took the chance to grab the casket and the scepter from Lilith. I froze the scepter and smashed it to bits, that thing had caused enough damage to my family.

I grabbed my daughter by the arms, she struggled in my grip but I would not let her go. "Lilith, listen to me. It's me, your father. I'm here now, I'm not leaving you. Please come back to me. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you anymore." I reassured her.

I saw her eyes turning back into an emerald green "Daddy?" she asked.

I felt her trembling in my arms, she was beyond her normal anger. I tried to pull her in close but the Hulk showed up and took my daughter. "Carlos, you said you had Thor's friends covered." Mal shouted.

"Hey! You try convincing a giant green ogre that Lil-Flower is innocent!" Carlos shouted back.

I went after him only to find Thor holding me back. "What are you doing to her?" I asked.

"I'm sorry brother. But I can't let you interfere." Thor answered.

No, they were gonna take my child from me. I already lost my wife I won't lose my little girl.

Carlos's pov:

There was no way I was losing my best friend. I told Mal to get Jay out of the ice, I'm gonna get my best friend back. I gathered my courage and marched up to that green giant. I saw Lil-Flower unconscious in the beasts' arms, her skin was still blue but that didn't scare me. I got the big guy's attention and he looked at me with rage. "And I'm starting to regret this." I said, softly.

I wanted to run but seeing Lil-Flower in that beast's clutches, I stand my ground and waited for the big guy to make a move. While he was busy with me, Mal used a spell to get Lil-Flower out of the ogre's arms. But the big guy saw what we were doing and charged at Mal. "Mal! Heads up!" I screamed.

She moved out of the way but the ogre cornered her. Suddenly, the ogre just passed out in front of Mal. We saw Loki using his magic to put the ogre to sleep. "That is the last time the Hulk hurts anyone in my family." he stated then rushed to Lilith.

We saw that everyone was looking at us like we were the ones that caused this. Lilith was still out cold, Frigga ended up escorted all of us to Lilith's dorm for her to rest.

Lilith's pov:

Everything was fuzzy, I hardly remember anything after storming off from Terra and Audrey. When I opened my eyes, I saw that I was back in my dorm. I don't remember how I got here but I did see my friends standing around my bed. "What? What happened?" I asked.

Their faces lit up when they saw me awake, they explained that I lost control over my Jotun form and ended up stealing the Casket of Winter and my dad's scepter. I felt so guilty about almost hurting them but I was also confused, how did they snap me out of it? The only ones that can snap me out of my rage were my dad and my brothers. The doors opened and I thought I saw my brothers come in with Fairy Godmother. "Ha, ha, guys. Very funny. Good joke. You can't prank the god of mischief's daughter." I said thinking that it was a joke.

"Lils, this isn't a prank. We're here." Jorgumand stated.

I felt tears forming up in my eyes, I jumped out of my bed and rushed to my brothers. I hugged them so tightly, I haven't seen them in so long. Suddenly Frigga came into the room, she just smiled at me. "Someone else is here to see you." she said.

I didn't think it was real but standing outside the door was my dad. I rushed over to him and hugged him as I felt tears rolling down my cheek. I felt my dad hugging me back and whispered in my ear that he wasn't going anywhere. I missed my dad so much, now he's here. Fairy Godmother came up to us "Seeing how Lilith still needs to recover from the trauma she's been through. We managed to convince the king to let you four stay during the coronation." She announced.

Lilith: "What?! But how?!

Carlos: "You can thank Ben for that."

Evie: "We're glad you're ok."

Lilith: "Please tell me no one was hurt."

Jorgumand: "Well... you were kinda close with our cousin."

Fenris: "Jorgumand!"

Jorgumand: "What? I would have done the same thing."

Loki: "Boys! Not in front of your sister."

Lilith: "What happened?"

Slepnir: "Long story but short version, you almost got crushed by the Hulk."

Lilith: "What?!"

Jay: "But you're good! You can thank Carlos for that."

Fenris: "I didn't think you had it in you."

Carlos: "If I can face my fear of dogs, then I can stand up to an ogre."

Mal: "Yeah and almost get crushed by one."

Slepnir: "Well Dad was the only one that ever got beaten by that thing."

Loki: "Slepnir!"

Frigga: "What?!"

Loki: "Not here my son."

Lilith: "Wait, what about Terra?"

Jay: "After Evie's little slide show, I think  Terra and her dad are gonna have a little talk."

Carlos: "Forecast for tonight, stormy rage with a chance of punishment."

Lilith: "Carlos, that's not funny."

Fenris: "Yes it is."

Lilith: "And I'm taking back about missing you wolfie."

Fenris: "That was one time and you haven't called me that since you were six."

Dad and Frigga left the room to give us some space but I think she just wants to catch up with dad. Mal explained the plan to my brothers since they want revenge on our so called grandfather Odin for banishing us. I on the other hand didn't seem to be up for revenge. But we were rotten to the core and nothing will change.

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