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So I get how in the movies, Pitch's lair is 'under the bed'.....but if you remember the ending, the bed was destroyed. This takes place after the movies. The bed is gone, but after a while, the entrance reappeared. Sorry for not clarifying!


How peculiar,
Such a little bird like you
Caught the attention of a much bigger bird.

Your appetite was satisfied when you finished the meal you had bought, while studying the euros. Pitch had calmly explained everything, despite your mind rushing from the fact that someone had walked through this man. Though he was more surprised at how well you took the news. Not many people he encountered would respond with 'okay' or 'cool' after hearing what he was. You knew he wasn't telling you everything but you didn't want to push it.

"Thank you....for telling me." You smiled. He nodded but his eyes were distant and constantly returned to the globe statue. You were busy wondering how water and electricity traveled to his room. When you finished, you set up Emerson's terrarium and placed her inside. You stared around for an electrical cord, only to realize there wasn't any. "It's a good thing I packed the portables." You shrugged and pulled those out, attaching the heat lamps to the terrarium rims. You settled into his bed, a bit distracted by the black silk sheets. A yawn came over you and taking that as a sign, you curled into his bed. Whether it was the new environment or your insomniac habits, you couldn't bring yourself to sleep. With a sigh, you climbed out of bed and carefully navigated his lair. Pitch Black circled the globe, his eyes studying the lights obsessively.

"It's not a light source, is it?" You asked. You could tell he was a bit startled by your voice, but he relaxed when he realized it was you. "You're always staring at it.....like you're waiting for something to happen."

"Please, no need to lecture me." Pitch scoffed. "It's a globe that indicates all the children of the world who believe in the Guardians."

"And who are they?"

"Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, the Sandman, and Jack Frost."

"But they're all children's tales."

"So am I." Pitch shrugged. "The bogeyman."

"The Nightmare King...." you stared in realization. Pitch tensed and stared, his eyes studying you intensely, whatever activity the fearlings were doing stopped.

"No one has called me that title for centuries. All except one child and you." Pitch slowly made his way to you. "Pray tell, how do you know that title?"

"Umm....my mom's friend would tell us stories about, well, you. She said that you hated the title 'bogeyman' and was once called the 'Nightmare King.' We believed her and we believed in you."

"I apologize if this is an odd question, but you wouldn't happen to be the child I made a promise with on that faithful night?"

"I don't remember much of my childhood, so I'm going to need a little more detail." You hinted. So you sat as Pitch retold everything. "I used to hide under the bed and sleep there whenever I felt unsafe from.......her. I bet loads of people did that."

"Well, they were the first I've encountered." Pitch sighed. "I made a promise to that child and I'm wondering where they are."

"I'm sure you'll figure it out."

"Maybe it's you." He concluded. "You lived in Burgess."

"Well yeah....I planned on visiting my mama for some confrontation, but she moved away. You would think I would remember an encounter like that."

"Hmm.....did you ever put your teeth under your pillow? After it fell out, of course."

"The tooth fairy?" You chuckled. "My.....my sibling believed in that stuff and they would always slip my teeth under my pillow when I was sleeping. So I guess? I always thought it was them, cause there would be quarters in the morning."

"Toothiana most likely visited you and collected your memories. I'll have to confront her." Pitch studied you. "Have you forgotten your memories? Or have you repressed them?"

"Definitely repressed. I think I would know if I forgot some memories."

"You would be surprised." He then remembered. "Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?"

"Can't bring myself to sleep."


"Nah, insomnia."

"How long have you been struggling with insomnia?"

"Since middle school and high school. Not a big deal."

"Well you need sleep. I guess it wouldn't hurt to visit the Sandman at this time, granted, he'll be busy."

"I'm coming with you." You declared. You could tell he was mid protest, when he stopped and seemed to consider.

"You know, that wouldn't hurt."

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