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We cry out 'fly! Fly little bird!'
But it cannot hear and mistakes our cries for cheers.

You opened another package of ramen, adding boiling water and closing the lid. You brought out the coffee and four cups.

"Goodmorning." Senna smiled. "Did you eat the spaghetti last night?"


"How was it?"


"You didn't microwave it, did you?"

"Nope." You laughed. "Thanks for the answers, I didn't copy, obviously. But, I got double my usual paycheck!"

"That's awesome! A bit tragic that you have to spend overtime to get that much."

"Tell me about it."

"Goodmorning!" Ace exclaimed. "Yes! Ramen! So, [Y/N] when did you come home?"

"10:30 pm. I got dismissed at 10:00."

"Damn......and when did you sleep?" He raised a brow. You just coughed and avoided his gaze. "Hm, I thought so."

"Tsk Tsk Tsk, [Y/N], we talked about this!" Senna groaned. "You need sleep." You just shrugged and mixed the coffee powder with the warm water, stirring to make sure the powder melted.

"Who needs sleep with a cup of coffee?" You shrugged. "I can't afford to sleep when I have so many projects and homework....and tests. Exams are soon and we're seniors."

"Yeah but you need rest. You need to give yourself a break."

"I'm glad you guys are trying to help and getting the sleep you need. But I don't need sleep. I need to work."

"Remember when you overworked yourself, you could barely walk?" Senna placed her hands on her hips. "And I had to wait in the nurses office as your mother-"

"Don't. Don't call her that." You growled. "And of course I remember. How could I forget? Just let me do what I do, I promise I'll rest once senior year is over."

"Okay." Senna sighed as she leaned onto the counter. You raised a brow at Ace, who was pouring packages of sugar into his coffee. "Ace! You're going to be bouncing to space!" She scolded and you cackled in the background.

"That's the plan." Ace winked. "[Y/N], do you have more sugar?"

"Don't answer!" Senna screeched as she tried to prevent Ace from opening cabinet doors. You opened your mouth but Senna stopped you. Ace rummaged through the cabinets and screeched with delight when he found what he was looking for. "No! Bad Ace!" You strolled into the living room, inhaling the smell of coffee as Emerson yawned.

"Aw. Are you hungry?" You asked. She just stared at you, unmoving before curling into a ball. "I feel you....I wish I could curl into a ball and just hide from my problems." You just sighed. There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Ace sung.

"It's me guys!" Hudson's muffled voice shouted.

"What's the password?"







"There's no password, is there?"


"Ace is the best?"

"Tempting, but no."

"Oh for crying out loud, let him in!" Senna's scolded. "I'll slap that coffee out of your hand."

"Okay, okay!" Ace cried. He rushed to the door and opened it for Hudson who just shook his head teasingly. "Sorry man. Will you accept my apology with a cup of warm coffee?"

"Apology accepted, but I already drank coffee so I'm good." Hudson smiled. "Goodmorning [Y/N]!"

"Morning." You laughed. "I already know today's going to be a busy day. English and chem."

"Literature and finance for me." Senna's sighed. "This is going to be the longest day."

"Agreed." You walked alongside your friends to the college campus, bidding goodbye as they went their separate ways. You headed for your class and mentally prepared for long lectures.

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