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One step in,
One step out.

Pitch Black wasn't the type to wander. He definitely wasn't the one to be seen. That all changed when he bumped into you, of course, he didn't realize it was you. He kept thinking of you and the encounter. He half expected you to walk right through him and didn't take notice. But there it unfamiliar contact. He returned to his lair, his mind rushing with thoughts and questions.

"Master," the Fearlings cried. "You're growing weaker and weaker. Send out your nightmares! They're growing restless."

"When the time is right." Pitch silenced. "Leave me alone....I need some time to myself." The Fearlings obeyed him and left without uttering another word. Could it be? Someone believes in me? He questioned. But who? He started to doubt and dismissed the encounter as accidental. When a strange memory emerged.

He had done his nightly errands and decided to pay a visit for nightmares and terror. He chose a specific house, a house that was unfamiliar and new to him. Eager, Pitch entered the child's bedroom via shadow. But there was something amiss. There was no child on the bed, he looked around oddly. It was nighttime and the room was decorated as such. A though of being ambushed crossed his mind, when there was a cough from underneath the bed. Pitch crouched down to see a young child under their own bed.

"Are you Mr. Nightmare King?" They asked quietly. Another odd thing, no one had called him that for centuries. He was taken aback.

"Yes." He answered. "What are you doing down there?"

"It's safe down here." They insisted. "And mama can't hear me."

"Why don't you want your mother to hear you?"

"She says mean things and she hurts me." They said. Pitch could feel his heart break at that sentence. "Could you stay with me?"

"No....I have to leave."

"Could you promise me one thing?"

"I'll try."

"Could you promise me that mama will never hurt me?"

"I can't promise that."


"I....I promise." Pitch watched as Dreamsand poured into the room. He lingered and kept staring under the bed. Before leaving, he pulled the child and placed them on top, tucking them into the bed.

"Another promise.....broken." Pitch sighed. "I wonder what became of them......" he stared at his hands which clenched into a fist. Reappearing outside, Pitch let out a gentle chuckle as the moon greeted him.

"Care to share where they are?" Pitch asked. The moon said nothing. "I know you know the answer......."

"Did I....did I even fulfill their promise?" Pitch could feel his voice crack.

"You will meet again."

"That doesn't answer my question." Pitch stared at the moon, it glowed dimly and Pitch concluded that it was his final statement. Muttering under his breath, Pitch returned to his lair. He would wait. He's been waiting and will continue to wait.


Again, sorry for the short chapter. I'm trying to plot out everything and still unsure how to end this fanfic :,) thank you for reading!

Please vote or comment.....cause that is the only motivation for me in writing

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