In a birthday Party

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Birthday girl: Draupadi 🎂
Yuddistir: Plans a whole party for her and makes sure to gift her the most precious thing in the world..

Bheem: Arranges the party snacks and the cake. Punches Dushasan who tried to steal the cake, single handedly while gripping 10 snack bags in the other.

Nakul: Lets prank Draupadi in the morning, when she is sleeping by shouting happy birthday in her ear!

Sahdev: Has been googling what to buy for her for two months and is still searching.

Subadra: Distracting Draupadi the whole time with jokes only she understood so everyone else can do their surprise.

Duryodhan: Dushasan I heard that that glutton Bheem is getting some snacks.. we should steal it.

Shakuni: Takes it too seriously and starts to plan a world domination by stealing the birthday cake.

Dushasan: Runs away silently without listing to the idea of Shakuni and gets beaten up.

Karn: You idiots we are supposed to fight not steal!!!

Arjun: *Is busy practicing his archery unaware* Birthday?! Who's birthday????

Krishna: Saves Arjun from total embarrassment from Draupadi.

Abhimanyu : Hosts an archery show which clearly makes Arjun blush with embarrassment.

Upa Pandavas: Before Nakul can do the prank, they run and do it themselves!

Draupad: Preparing an emotional speech.. half to praise Draupadi and half to enrage the Pandavas against Drona

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