The Cheating- Year 4

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Students were whispering left and right as Harry passed by, the Gryffindorks were always giving looks of pure loathing when the Emerald Duo along with the Silver Gang passed by, the Hufflepuffs were colder than ever. Harry was loving this new attention.

Nobody knew about Harry and Draco's relationship except for the Slytherins, for they had decided to keep it a secret.

Dumbledore had also announced at the Great Hall about the 5 champions' first task and the Silver Gang was pretty curious about this. They planned to find clues on what the challenge was, to be ready for it sooner. To their delight, (Sorry for not including this first) Harry had also told them in first year about the Invisibility cloak his father gave him. So this was going to be easy.

Snape had asked Harry what he had done, and he lied, telling them that he did not do it or neither did he tell anyone of age 17 to do it. Snape still didn't believe him, and so did the others. Despite liking his father, Dumbledore didn't like Harry as much. Of course he knew what type of person Harry was and he never trusted him.

One day, Pansy insulted the Hufflepuffs.

"Oi, you pathetic badgers!" She had said.

"What do you want, Slytherins?" Macmillan piped back.

"We just want to say that your dear Diggory will lose to Harry!"

They all sniggered. The Hufflepuffs simply ignored them.

"Cedric Diggory, there isn't a hole he couldn't dig himself into!" Theo taunted.

That set them off. Especially Smith.

A fight broke out in the corridor, Draco had ended up with a black eye, which had set the rest of the Silver Gang off (especially Harry). Crabbe and Goyle were holding up the Hufflepuffs and there was a chaos in the hallway and McGonagall came to break it.

"Not very Hufflepuff of you, Macmillan and Smith." Draco spat.

"Shut up, you pathetic rat." Smith had snapped.

"Oh please, Smith, Draco is not a mirror," Harry stated. They all laughed.

"ENOUGH!" McGonagall had said.

"Smith, Malfoy, Potter, Parkinson, Nott, Zabini, Crabbe, Goyle and Macmillan, in my office NOW!"

In Mcgonagall's office.

"Fifty points from Slytherins and Hufflepuffs EACH!" She was furious.

"But they-" Macmillan started.

"You should be ashamed!" McGonagall said.

Macmillan went silent.

"I am not done with you yet, you are also getting detention for a month and if you Slytherins misbehave again, especially you Potter and Malfoy (the gang frowns while the two Hufflepuffs smile) then no hogsmeade ever AGAIN!"

Harry couldn't believe it.


"Don't act like I don't know you Potter." McGonagall said. "You don't want me to owl your parents do you?"

Harry kept silent.

"Your parents were absolutely amazing. You, are a complete opposite of them. Sure, James used to bully people, especially Slytherins but he, became a great man in the end."

Harry had wanted to say tell Mcgonagall he doesn't care but he shut his mouth, for that would've been suicide.

"Now, detention at 8 everyday starting from now on. The Slytherins will clean the trophy room while the Hufflepuffs will sit in my office everyday at 8, doing lines." McGonagall concluded.

Well, their plan was to sneak out and try to find anything associated with the first task tonight.

Slytherin common room.

Harry and Draco were busy making out which was now a normal thing in their common room (they didn't do it in public all the time, just sometimes. Otherwise they spent their time in draco's room when free.)

"Hello? Are you lovebirds even living in this world?" Pansy asked.

"Oh shut up, you are just jealous you don't have a boyfriend." Draco replied. They broke apart. Harry wanted more, but he kept quiet.

"It's already 8" Pansy huffed.

"Seriously?" Harry said, clearly annoyed.

After detention.

"I can't believe they made me do that." Draco panted. "I am NOT suitable for this job!"

"I know right?" Blaise said.

"Honestly this job is for the weasels" Harry said.

"Couldn't agree more" Theo and Pansy said.

"Now,  after some time, we need to get this over with." Harry said.

The gang agreed.

After some time.

After some hustling they realised that there was a problem: The Invisibility Cloak can't cover that many people. So in the end, they de died to send Harry and Draco together.

"Be sure not to make out ok?" Blaise said. Pansy and Theo sniggered.

"Oh shut up." Harry rolled his eyes.

They took off, walking in search of something interesting. After some walking (Draco did not like this) they heard some noise.

"What is that?" Draco whispered, fear in his voice.

"I don't know," Harry replied with the equal confidence.

The both looked at each other, gulped and proceeded to move cautiously.

Soon they heard a roar. And they were rooted to the spot, hugging each other in fear. They took a deep breath and then moved forwards.

In front of them was a horrific sight. Lots of dragons were there. That oaf and what seemed like his girlfriend were also there. (Sorry I love hagrid)

"S-so that's-"

"T-the first t-task?"

They soon quickly decided to return to the common room. Shaking in fear, they told the others and they were furious.

Harry was honestly doomed. He didn't know what to do.

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