The Encounters- Year 2

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The Silver Gang had just got up from breakfast, when Harry suddenly jumped into Neville.

"Watch where you are going, longshorts!" Harry said. Neville then asked for forgiveness. And Harry denied. "Says the one who is blind without their glasses!" Hermione defended as Draco helped Harry up. Crabbe and Goyle flexed their muscles threateningly.

With that both Ron and Hermione went after Neville.

At the Quidditch pitch.

Short Disclaimer:
Ron is the new chaser. And Angelina is the Seeker. Oliver has booked the quidditch pitch today and so have Marcus for training THEIR new chaser. I was thinking about adding Blaise in 4th grade. But why not now? Remember, I am afraid there is no blairon. Thank you.

As the Gryffindor team was coming to the pitch the Slytherins spotted them. Soon Oliver was shocked and came to encounter Marcus (wood x Flint fans here we go!)

"Flint." Oliver said. "Wood." Marcus smiled.
"I think we were the ones who booked the pitch for practice!" "Well cutie, Professor Snape gave us permission to train our new chaser." Marcus held his chin as Harry and Draco started making puking noises and Blaise joined, making everyone laugh.

"Wait, you have a new chaser?" Wood asked.
"What's the deal here?" Hermione said, as she was dragging Neville with her to the pitch.

"Are those the brand new Nimbus 2001s?" Ron said,taking a wide-eyed look.

"Yup, Draco's father bought these for us." Harry replied, stepping forward. "See Weasley, unlike someone, my father can afford the best of the best." Blaise sniggered at what Malfoy said.

"At least someone on the Gryffindor team didn't have to buy their way in" Hermione spoke "They've got their own pure talent!"

This angered Draco and he spoke up "No one asked your opinion you filthy little mudblood!" All of a sudden Flint jumped to protect Draco and Harry did the same thing. Hermione's face was red and Ron said, "How dare you!" He then said a curse which unfortunately hit himself. And he started puking slugs out. The Slytherins were all paralyzed with laughter and Harry was enjoying this a lot.

Neville and Hermione then took Ron quickly as they could to Hospital Wing.

"Omg" Blaise panted while laughed"what losers!"

"Well then!" Marcus said "Now let's start our training Blaise.

Later that day.

When all the Slytherins were in the common room, Draco and Harry decided to call Blaise over and offer him their friendship. Fortunately, Blaise accepted and became the new member of 'The Silver Gang'

Those 5 are sure to be pain in the trio's life.

Once again, sorry for the short chapter. But the thing is that not only that I am posting daily I am actually doing 3-4+ chapters a day. So yeah.

Stay safe!

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