Quidditch Final- Year 3

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"Potter! Wake up sleepyhead!" Draco said. "Gnn..dad...only like, 5 more minutes.." Harry said. Draco chuckled and shaked harry to wake him up. No lie, Draco had been staring at Harry when he, himself, had woken up (because he woke earlier than all others and used to wake them all up). But also because it was their meeting early this time. It was pretty creepy, really,watching Harry sleep. Draco thought he looked cute.

"Ok, fine" Harry groaned in an annoyance. "I will get up" "Good" Draco said. "Hey Dray–uh mind if I call you that?" Harry said, blushing. "No, no" Draco blushed as well but his pale face only showed a tiny bit of pink.He knew how to control himself but, Harry, on the other hand, was blushing madly. "Ok now let's get ready Mr Blushs A Lot." Harry blushed even harder (if possible)

Draco knew that he was in love with Harry but tried to go slow on him. On one hand, he thought Harry liked him back. On the other hand, he wasn't sure. He was still thinking of The Perfect Timing.

Quidditch finals were coming close, as you may have recalled, Draco was scratched by buckbeak and had to stay in for a week. And in the following week, Gryffindors were supposed to play Slytherin but it got cancelled because the Lead Chaser was missing and they needed to have all teammates intact.(look, I know, I know. I just needed Draco to stay causing to cancel the match and I am sure that the Slytherins would have played without a chaser because there are three chasers after all and not one. You get my point.)

Soon his arm was fixed and their match was with Ravenclaws. They were good at quidditch but because of their lousy brooms and talent (in The Silver Gang's opinion), they had lost badly. Now they just had to deal with Gryffindors at the final. The Last cup had been cancelled because of bad weather and Harry hoped it didn't happen again. The Gryffindors looked determined to win this and so were the Slytherins.

Quidditch Final

They walked out to the pitch and saw that three quarters of the crowd were wearing scarlet rosettes and they had banners like GO GRYFFINDOR! or LIONS FOR THE CUP!
Harry and Draco frowned.

However, two hundred people were wearing green and the silver serpent of Slytherin was on their flags and Professor Snape was sitting in the very front, wearing green like everyone else with a very grim smile.

"And here are the Gryffindors!" Lee Jordan exclaimed as they entered the pitch. 'Weasley, Bell, Spinner, Johnson, Weasley, Weasley and Wood! Widely acknowledged–" Lee's voice was drowned by a ride of boos from Slytherin. "Alright, Alright" he said "And here come the Slytherins. Malfoy, Potter, Zabini, Crabbe, Greengrass, Warrington and Flint."

"Captains, Shake hands!" Madam Hooch said. Flint and Wood approached each other and shook hands very tightly, they both smirked.
"Mount your brooms!" She mouthed. "Three...two...one!" All the brooms flew upwards. The Slytherins' brooms were clearly working well. Gryffindor got in possession of the quaffle but then Draco swooped in and claimed the quaffle. "DARN IT YOU STU-" Lee Jordan started as Draco scored, making it 10-0.
"Lee, mind your language!" Professor McGonagall said. "Sorry Professor." He replied.

They played on and, all of a sudden it was 70-20 as they went through many penalties but scored. Wood was hit in the face by Draco throwing the Quaffle at him and Harry, Blaise and him sniggering. All of a sudden Harry charged towards something tiny, something golden, the snitch! Alicia saw what he was doing and followed him. Fortunately, he was faster than her and caught the snitch. The slytherin crowd cheered loud. Every house else was silent.

When they went down, Draco immediately charged at Harry and tackled him down, both of them laughing and everyone else watching in awe. Once realising the position they were in, both of them blushed dark red and Draco immediately got up. He then helped Harry up as well and together, they went to the lockers.

Sorry for posting so late. I really got a break didn't I? I hope you enjoyed tho.

Stay safe,

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