Chapter 3

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A few days later, my family brought me and my brother to platform 9 3/4. "Are you ready for your first year at Hogwarts?", I grin widely and destroy my brother's hair. "eyyy", he puts his hair in the right position. "Ohh we gonna miss you so much!", my mom takes my brother and me into a huge hug. My father looks at me with a sad smile: "Pay attention to your brother, will you?". He takes me into a hug and whispers to me a little reminder not to play any tricks with my magic: "I know Dad", I smile slightly. "See you at Christmas", I smile at both of them. "See you at Christmas", they responded and with a last wink, my brother and I turned around to step onto the train.

Looking for a compartment that is empty to safe for the girls and me, I find one very quickly. Every year it is my job to look for a cabin as the others are usually just right on time and then all the compartments are full already. So, I install myself and take a window seat, enjoying the last minutes of calmness. The door opens and I get up to greet my friends but instead, a guy stumbled: "ow sorry, I thought this one was empty!" and scratches the back of his head. "Well obviously not", I smile. "I'm Sirius by the way", he reaches out his hand and I take it: "Joy", I smile. "I have never seen you in school before though", he reckons. "Well ja there are a lot of people in Hogwarts, which year are you in?", "seventh and hopefully last one", "okay that is weird, me too!", I laugh. A voice comes from Sirius' back "Hey Sirius, have you found an empty compartment," and hands land on his shoulders. A head peaks in and then I look into that well-known face. "Youu", I say with a confused smile and show my finger in his direction. "No you?", he grins. "Well what the heck is going on here?", asks the now confused Sirius. "Ohh nothing", the guy shakes his head. „What show is going on here?", Prim squeezes herself into the compartment. "James and Sirius, good to see you again, how were your summers?", she asks after hugging them. "Prim, trying out for quidditch again this year?", James grins and she answers with an "of course!" and a big smile."Wait you guys know each other?", I ask in confusing. "Heyyy Joy", Prim hugs me and whispers in my ear: "the fools from Gryffindor all Slytherin hate!". Then she takes a step back, "James, the seeker and captain of our house team and you've probably heard from the Black that landed in Gryffindor!", she looks at me in hope. "Ohhh, yes sure! So you are Sirius Black!", I grin and he nodds in confusing. "Joyy, Priim, anyone near here?", we hear Nila & Lu shouting through the corridors and eventually come to stand in front of the cabin. Nila looks arrogantly up and down the two Gryffindor guys staying in our compartments: "What are they doing here?". "Nice to see you too Nila", Sirius says with a frown. "So you know each other as well??", I looked shocked. "Hii Joyy!", Lu now comes in to hug me. "Well, I guess we better keep looking for Remus & Peter", Sirius says now. "see ya", Prim says while taking a seat. James just looks at me and with an awkward little smile, then he leaves as well. All red in my face I sit down again.

Later that day, we were already on the road for hours, we decided to change into our uniforms. The time on the train usually gives us time to really catch up on everything that hasn't been  discussed during our shopping day at Diagon Alley and especially all the new gossip.
I just came back from changing when everyone looks at me with a ‚sorry' face. „What is wrong?", I ask thinking something terrible must have happened. „The candy lady passed already", Lu said. „And you didn't buy me something?"
„We didn't know what", Lu shakes her shoulders. „I said we should have gotten her her usual", Amber argues and I nodded. „Don't worry guys, she's probably not far", I say and leave the compartment.

While walking down the ile of the train alongside all the compartments, I hear one door opening but think nothing to myself. „Joy", I hear someone say as I turn around to look at a James that is trying to catch up with me. I felt how I got nervous: „Hi James", I smile. He came to stay infront of me: „I just wanted to talk to you about-„ he takes a break to look down on me and his smile fades. „Wait- you're a Slytherin?", he asks seemingly disgusted. „Yes, you're in Gryffindor right? So what did you want to talk about?", I smile still. He shakes his head: „nevermind", he turns around and walks away. Just as I wanted to follow him a hand grabs my shoulder softly and I turn around. „Joy, I swear if he did something mean I-„ „no no Lucius, all fine", still confused I look after me to see whether I could still get a glance of James, but he was gone.

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