Chapter 9

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Long, long hours we are sitting on the porches already. The points are 250 points on Gryffindor's side to 100 points for Slytherin. I have never seen such a long Quidditch game. I was about to take a break to head to the castle when the commentator screams out a: „finally! The Golden Snitch has been caught by the Slytherin seeker!".
„Oh no, it's a tie", I mumble.
„Adding up Slytherin caught the snitch standing with 250 points in a tie with Gryffindors 250 points!", the commentator explains for those that fell asleep and missed what actually happened. Nila moans in annoyance: „they could have made one more goal" but I just shrug my shoulders.
„What happens when there is a tie?", I ask Nila, now she shrugs her shoulders: „there are no rules, it barely ever happens".

In the middle of the field the captains of each team came together with the referee to agree upon an outcome. Then the players leave the field and also the podiums start to clear.
Nila gets up: „Uhm... we planned to do a little get together in the common room.. with Lucius, Rosier, Severus etc".
I shake my head, „it's fine, I probably wouldn't be welcome anyway", I shake it off. „I'll just wait for Lu and Prim... or just Prim then in case Lu joins you!", I press out a smile.

I get off the podium and wait infront of the cabin where the players get changed. It started raining when I was already waiting for 15 minutes, I thought I'd might just go inside as they normally never take so long. „Lu? Prim?", I call, but no answer, what did I expect?
I have never been inside this cabin before, looks cold and dark, a very uncozy feeling. Following a tight corridor, I see that every house has their own changing room with their crests on the door in form of the belonging animal. I take a knock on the Slytherin one and after no one responded, I open the door, out of the room, a steamy wave of heat hits me, probably from all the showers that have been taken. Nevertheless, he room was empty.
Leaving the Slytherin changing room backwards, I bump into James. He takes the side of my arm to hold me as I almost trapped. He looks at me with a smirk: „you're doing alright there?"
I blush a bit and laugh slightly: „Uhm ja", I think for a second: „is Prim still there?".
„No, she left directly after the game", he knits his brows. „Hm, excellent!", I say ironically and turn around to leave.
„Wait a second!", he jogs after me, „I'll escort you to the castle!", he winks. „Alright", I chuckle and smile to the ground.
He opens the door, the rain is still pouring. My face twists, James' as well. „We could sit it out", he suggests. "I need to study", I say, "and the others are probably looking for us.", I give forward some arguments but he just shrugs his shoulders: "If I might take a guess, I'd say that you have a book on you"
"Guilty", I say. I think for a second: „okay, you're probably right, in 5 minutes the rain might stop". I back off and sit down on the bench next to the door and James closes the door again. „so, a tie huh?", I smile at James. He scratches the back of his head: „yeah, not our best performance so far".
„But you're seemingly chill about it"
He shrugs his shoulder: "I was angry for a moment, but I mean... we arranged a re-match, so we'll just kick Slytherin's ass the next time!"
I just leave that without a comment. His smirk took me back to the night of the ball, I look down to the ground.
"What are you thinking about?", he takes seat next to me and gives me a little push with his shoulder from the side. I smile and look up: "it's just.. it's crazy", I shake my head slightly and my smile fades, "I mean with the Dark Lord, not being sure who to trust or not... I mean", I shake my head again, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't talk to you about this", I wink it off.
"I think it is important to talk about how you feel", he says while looking deep into my eyes. I press my lips together, shake my head again: "in this matter it is not important how I feel, you don't need to understand".
I see that he wanted to say something but I push myself to my feet: "I think we should go back to the castle, I think the rain got less!"
"Sure". I could hear the disappointment in his voice.
I push open the door. "Still raining huh?", he stands behind me, raising one eyebrow. "We'll manage!", I chuckle and take out my wand, casting the spell to make an umbrella out of the top of the wand.
„How do you do that?"
„Whut? It's like the easiest spell ever?", I look at him in disbelief
He laughs, „I know, Imma stay under yours anyway!", he says and squashes himself under the umbrella with me. I laugh.
Together we make up our way to the castle. It was still pouring rain and the grass has gotten muddier than a pit of pigs. Going up the hill wasn't easy at all, after every step either me or James had to hold on onto the other to not slip and fall. Too late though. I feel how James tried to hold a grip on my arm put it just made a big splash and James was down in the mud. I burst out in laughter. "Oh wait you!", he threatens me laughing and sweeps my feet off the ground. I fall right next to him in the mud: "eww!", I laugh. I try to roll around in order to get up, taking James as a help for it, but he held me down. "Unfair!", I say, "help me get up and once I'm there I'll give you a hand!". He looks at me untrusting. "I swear!", I laugh. "Okay, okay", he says and gives me a hand to get up, what I do in return in order to help him up. Still holding his hands from the helping, he looked me deep in the eyes. He slowly leans forward, switching his looks from my eyes to my lips.
So baldy I wanted to give in but my mind wandered forth and against the argument that he has a problem with me being a Slytherin. In a sudden, I realise that my wand is gone and broke it down: "Where my wand?!", I ask and quickly start looking on the floor. Seeing that James clearly shrugs away: "Uhm, maybe... oh there!", he lifts it up from the floor and holds it towards me. I take it with an awkward smile: "I guess the umbrella isn't necessary anymore huh?", referring to our with mud and soggy clothes. I didn't intend for an answer as I was already headed inside.

"Hey Joy! Wait a second!", James calls while jogging after me. I stopped to look at him, he starts talking: "Listen Joy, what you said earlier, about the Dark Lord and it not being about your feelings-"
"We don't have to talk about this now, James, but thank your for your concern.", I interrupt him, then he posed a question that ripped me out of my shoes: "Are you considering joining the Death Eaters?". My mind totally blacked out for a second.

"Gosh! James!", anger aroused in me, "that you'd even think that!". He comes a step towards me, "Joy I didn't mean to-". I take a step back from him and couldn't stop the anger in me, saying what I wanted to tell him for long now: „You're so inclined! I can't believe it! It is not about red or green, light and dark, James!", I say in a bit louder voice, taking off my Slytherin beanie, tears slowly filling my eyes, „look at the people that surround you James, you should know best!", I now say calmly and turn around and leaving. I hear steps following when the the sound of a pair of heels were added, I quickly turn around the corner, but was still able to hear the tugging voice of Professor McGonagall: "Mr. Potter! Thinking you can just walk around as a pig, making the whole castle muddy!".
Next second, I disapparated back to dungeons, to the Slytherin common room.

Entering it, I earn a lot of attentions from Nila, Lucius and followers that I ignore just perfectly well. In the dorm, Lu was laying on her bed, reading one of the school books.
„Where were you and Prim?!", I ask in an angry voice. She started smiling widely, answering my question without looking up from her book:
„We thought you'd wait of us outside, so we thought we'd hurry so you wait for James instead!"
"Bloody good idea!", I say sarcastically with a still not so amused face. Finally, Lu looked up to me gasped: "Oh Merlin's Beard! What happened to you?".
„With you as friends, I really don't need enemies! You knew that I actually am not talking to him!"
„Did you mind change?"
„Argggg Lu!", I scream and entering the bathroom, smashing the bathroom door.

When I see you.. (James Potter)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora