Chapter 7

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After class I found myself in the library doing my homework for the astronomy class of tomorrow night. The library was almost empty as many students prefer to watch the Quidditch try-outs that take place right now, one after another for each house. It wasn't such a blessing for the Quidditch players in the same year as me to have Quidditch the day before astronomy class, but their priorities are set to Quidditch in most cases.
Someone touches my arm and takes my  attention from the book. Expecting someone else I look into Severus' face with confusion. Severus is one of Lucius' friends, those that I not really think a lot of. "Lucius sent me to get you! The Slytherin try-out is about to start. Griffin losers are just about to be finished.", Snape says in a hurry. I sigh but quickly add a nodding behind that. I gather my books and together with Severus, we made our way down to the Quidditch stadium. We climb the Slytherin podium just as Gryffindor leaves the field and with loud applause from the Slytherin side, the Slytherin captain and the to-be Slytherin players enter the stadium. I take a seat, Snape unfortunately chooses the one next to me. Lu waves in my direction. I wave back with a loud cheer, even though I'm not sure anymore whether the wave was intended for me, as Evan Rosier, a Slytherin guy one year above us, waves back to her well.

After the try-out, I was waiting for Lu to leave the dressing room. Unfortunately, I missed Prim before though this is a good sign as she is probably celebrating her acceptance into the Gryffindor team. I'll just congratulate her tomorrow. As I was waiting, I see Nila coming my way. „Heyy, where were you the whole day!?", I ask and take her into a hug. „Ouch!", she shrugs away from me," why do you hug so aggressively?". She looks at me with pain in her eyes, holding her hands around herself. „I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to Nila!", I eye her suspiciously and see a light bruise under her collar. „What is this?", I mean to pull the collar of her hoodie down a bit but she quickly pulls it up. „Are you injured? What happened?!", I ask her confused and in worry. „It's nothing, don't worry!". I meant to dig deeper but in that moment Lu and other Slytherin's came of out the changing rooms with loud growling. I eye Nila for a short moment before Lu jumps in my arms: „I made iiiiit!", she screams in my ear. „I'm so happy for you!", I grin.
„Nila! Hi!", she wants to hug her but Nila takes a step back. Lu frowns: „where were you all day?" „oh just nowhere, my dad took me on a trip", Nila forces a smile. I meant to ask for what or why she was allowed to just skip classes, but I left it.
Just as we start to make our way up to the castle with the other Slytherin's, Lucius puts an arm around me, smiling widely. „So, I guess you made into the team as well?", I smile. He nods: „Slytherin's new seeker".

The partying went on for long and even though I left to go to sleep fairly early, the amount of sleep I got in the end was short. As I tracked myself through the day, I luckily found myself in bed rather quick again, knowing that I would have to get up again in about 2 hours, for astrology class.
„Joy Joy", I hear Lu's voice as she shakes me softly. „Just five more minutes", I turn around and put the blanket over my head. Silence fills the room and when I open my eyes again, I see that everyone had already left. „Oh no...", I take my watch and look at the time," no no no no". I jump up and get dressed as quick as never before. I run down the stairs. „Shit shit shit, I will be so to late!". I'll use it, one time never again. I look around me, making sure no one is there and then disapperate. When I arrive, luckily only Lu was standing at the bottom of the stairs to the astronomy tower. „Are you out of your mind!?", she gasped, „if someone would have seen you Joy!". „sh shhh", I place my finger infront of my mouth, „I know I know! You shouldn't have left without me!" „I'm already to late because of you now! Let's go", she intoned. I follow her up the stairs and see her taking a seat next to Nila. I look around searching for an empty seat when my eyes stop at the one free next to James. Of course that was the only seat, I roll my eyes and make my way to take a seat next to him.
„Bit late huh?", he whispers. I just shrug my shoulders and look into the assigned book chapter. „Where's Remus?", I ask a bit off, looking through the telescope into the sky and taking notes. He looks at me and rubs the back of his head„Uhm... didn't feel well". „Aha, poor him. Tell him to get well soon", I slightly smile at him and get back to work. „Eh yes, I will! Listen, I talked to your brother and he-„ „Keep it quiet please, I don't think you can properly read the stars when your minds are off in chit chat", Professor Sinistra, the astronomy professor, interrupts James. I look at James, wondering what he was about to say about my brother but the rest of the class we didn't ‚chit chat' anymore.

Today is Wednesday, the day after astrology where we start classes only after lunch. Around 9ish I stroll down to the Great Hall. I see Amber and Prim sitting at the Gryffindor table and even though the different houses are actually not allowed to sit together, I took a seat next to Prim. Around this time, teachers aren't around anyway, so no one would control. "Good Morning", I smile, but their faces don't look as happy. "What got your wands in a knot?", I ask. Prim passes me over the Daily Prophet: "read, you'll understand". I take a look at the headline, " another attack", I mumble. "Not one , five!", Amber says. "And it is becoming clear that they're not on the hunt for just anyone", Prim adds. After the confused look on my face Prim further explains: "half bloods, muggleborn like me and Amber!". "You mean they want to erase everyone-" "that doesn't have pure blood, right", Prim finishes my sentence. Suddenly, four boys take place next to us. Sirius to my side, Peter and Remus left and right to Amber and James next to Prim. "What are we gossiping about?", Sirius grins. I place the newspaper on the table, were a big MISSING is the headline. The boys exchange looks. "They're already under us...", Peter Pettigrew adds quietly. Behind our backs Severus passes through the passage way. Quickly, James pulls out his leg so that Snape trips over it and falls to the ground. The four boys start laughing at him , "poor Snivellus", Sirius laughs and gives James a high five. "That's not funny!", I quickly get up to help Severus but he pushes me away, "keep your hands off me blood traitor!". Prim and Amber got up and to my astonishment Sirius, Remus and James as well.  Just as suddenly, Lucius and some of his friends were standing behind Severus. "What did you just call her?", came out of two mouths at the same time. Lucius' and James'.

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