Chapter 22: the turning point

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„No, no! We all need to get out of here!"

Joy held her hands in front of herself, ready to conjure wandless magic. With a short look to the left and right, she notices that the three others were holding their wands ready, so, Joy took hers out as well, covering her power.

„We need to fight back!", Sirius argues. With a short look to him and James, Joy strongly shakes her head.

They will kill you, they want me, Joy thought in a blink of a second. but how would they know?

„We could disapparate", Joy suggests out of the top of her head, but Prim shakes her head: „too dangerous".

„Better than dying here", James nods and Joy nods again in agreement. People were still fighting and yelling across each other and in a blink of a second, Sirius nudges behind a tilted table just a few meters away from them. Prim's try to hold him back failed.

He was shooting spells back to the disturbers but he was obviously outnumbered. Just seconds later, James joined him, which left Joy and Prim no other choice. And so, the four of them were caught in a back and forth battle with some unknown dark-clothed wizards.

Joy fired with her free hand that was not holding her wand. Unintentionally, she missed her target and the spell hit the wall behind the bar, destroying mugs that shutter to the ground in small pieces. Shocked, she let herself slide down the table. They were outnumbered, there was no chance. With a look to her left and her right, seeing her friends fighting, and the body of the old lady on the floor, Joy lifted her wand up, conjuring a light with Lumos. "Stop fighting back", she screams to her friends.

"Are you mental?", Sirius screams, but Prim stops fighting back.

Joy lets her wand slide into her boot, getting ready to get up. She puts her hands into fists shaking them off, taking a deep breath. "Stand down", she tells them, seeing fear but also trust in Prim's eyes who now ducked down, covering her head, earning a weird look from Sirius.

She could feel the rage in her but tried to breathe deep and calm down. She could feel the looks of the three on her. But as they stopped shooting back, their opponents stopped firing as well. There was a moment of silence, filled with heavy breathing from the four. The silence was broken by a deep, masculine voice: ‚we're looking for Joy MacGee'. Joy closed her eyes, feeling the gazes of Sirius, Prim and James on her. Looking to her left she locks eyes with Prim who starts shaking her head, grabbing Joy's wrist. Joy knew what she had to do, they wanted her, not her friends; they had a chance of leaving, going back to Hogwarts, be together for Christmas.
„We can also do it in another way", the voice sounds again.
Joy takes a deep breath and gets up from the floor, Prim hand slowly loosing her grip.
„I'm who you're looking for", Joy says with a strong voice while she was shaking inside.
„Good, the Dark Lord will respect your cooperation", he nods. Joy clenches her jaw, forming her hands into fists, gazing through the room, watching every centimetre.
„She won't come with you!", James jumped up and all of a sudden Sirius and Prim were up as well, wands ready.
The man chuckles, „as if you three teeny tiny teenagers could do anything about it" and the other men fell into laughter as well, just strengthening the four's gazes.
Joy could feel her power burning in her palms again, clenching her fists together stronger, she slowly starts raising them. The men in front of the start shifting, raising their wands.
„Get down!", Joy screamed and all of a sudden the chaos erupted. The death eaters started shooting with their wands and at once, a strong rage of power and heat filled Joy's body and in the next second the fight was ended as the flashes Joy conjured hit the attackers who fall to the ground.
As the power and heat in Joy cooled down, she felt fear and her body began to shiver. In the next second it went black in front her eyes.


Distant shouts bring Joy back to consciousness. She could make out an argument between multiple people, while her body is slightly shackled from side to side. She could make out scraps of a conversation
„The circumstances are.."
„She used to much of her magic at once"
„she is not ready"
Joy was too exhausted, she fell back into a trance. She sees kids running around in a garden, with a lot of trees in full bloom. The next shot they're sitting at a table, colour pencils spread over the table. A blond girl with a violet pen, colouring a pixie and thereby tracing far over the lines. Next to her, heads really close, was a blonde, almost white haired boy, with a dark green pencil, drawing a snake that crawls around what seems a scull.

Joy eyes open. Her eyes meet the well known ceiling of Hogwarts. „She's awake", a female voice gasps. Blinking her eyes, multiple faces appear in front of her face. Trying to sit up, she realises it feels too heavy. „Stay put, Madam Pomfrey said you are very weak", said her best friend Prim, rest her arm on Joy's shoulders, who slowly nods. Memories of what happened flow back to her and panic arises. „Are you okay?", she rushes out of her mouth, „where's James? Sirius? Are they okay?"
„We're alright", Sirius chuckles and his and James head appear in her gaze as well. Joy let's out a loud sigh and a little smile „good", she whispers, closing her eyes for a second.
„I heard voices, is she awake?", Miss Pomfrey rushes into the room.
„Yes", they all say in unison and move to the left side of the bed to make space for the medi witch. „Oh love, you have an easy time making us all deeply worried", she sighs while examining Joy.
„I'm sorry", she whispers.
„It wasn't her fault", James snaps, which lets Madam Pomfrey's head shoot up. „Yes of course, Mr. Potter", she says resentful. It fell back to silence.
The door opened and four adults rush in, two of which rush to the bed to get a hold of Joy's hands. Her parents. „How are you feeling my love?", her mother asks, petting over Joy's head, tracing some strains of hair out of her face. „I'm alright, mum", Joy forces a smile.
„Mr. Potter, Mr. Black, Ms. Lacraft, I must kindly ask you to leave", Professor McGonagall says. The three were staying put, obviously not wanting to leave their friends side after what had happened. „We'll stay!", James pouts.
„Mr. Potter", Professor McGonagall sighs but Professor Dumbledore interrupts her: „they must stay, after all they are witnesses to the current circumstances".
„ On a first note, Ms. MacGee, breaking set rules was irresponsible of you as well as the promotion of a visit to Hogsmeade by Ms. Lacraft, even though it was forbidden."
„They're just kids!", Joy's mother counters.
„Either way", Professor Dumbledore responds calmly, „there are more important businesses at matter."

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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