Author's Note

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Hey guys! Welcome! Yes, welcome!

I just want to say that, I am an amateur writer, I have two reasons in writing this fanfiction, the first reason is to share this to you (readers), the scenarios in this book have been stuck in my mind for a long time and won't leave me alone unless I write them down, so here it is (still on going though). The second reason is for me to improve my way of writing, as I am a newbie and is still young, writing fanfiction is one way to improve ones writing skills, thus, I urged myself to write this book.

I hope you would bare in mind the second reason while reading this book and please don't hesitate to point out any errors so that I would be able to fix them.

These are also the things I'd like you to know :

*English isn't my first language, so please pardon the grammatical and spelling errors.

*The country used here isn't my country, so please don't be offended if I wrongly described it.

*I'm just a 16 years old girl, so don't expect too much from here.

*I'm aiming to update once a week.

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The cover used isn't mine so credit to the rightful owner.

Plagiarism is crime everyone.

All the Black Butler's characters belongs to Yana Toboso , but the OC's and plot belongs to me.


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