The letter and Bubba

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A very sad and melodramatic music could be heard through the dursely household as Vernon played it and stared at his big fat head of his weeping about his hair that was on fire - or what remained after the hair burned 😏, Baldness .

Petunia was trying to console her weeping *handsome* husband as their little pig- I mean uh..Dudley was in his room making plans about hurting Merida in some way as he knew that Harry has a sweet spot for her, which means Hurting Merida = Sad and Miserable Harry .

Inside the little dingy cupboard sat Harry and his little sister as he declared it sat in there , Harry looked at her basket and saw a few things were with her inside it.

As he placed her on the floor , she whined and crawled back on his lap , this sweet gesture made Harry smile as he placed a sweet kiss on her head .

He saw a letter , a bottle ..(probably for milk - Harry thought) and a few diapers with a pendant .
He quickly opened the letter and started to read it slowly

*Dear Harry Potter ,

This little one is sent to you as she doesn't have anyone ..well anyone "Outside"and I know how much you need someone to love and care for , so here she is .
Merida Ella ..Potter , I assumed you would like her to have that surname .
Hope we meet soon and we sure will
;-) ;-) .

Sincerely , APWBD . *

The first thing that came to his mind was , * Wow, I read so good * (typical Harry potter )
Many questions came to his mind as he stared at Merida who was staring back at him with her big Deep green innocent eyes . She suddenly started to cry startling Harry , he asked her in a very horrified voice "Did you pee or worse ..Did you poop??".

Merida stared at him and kept crying and she held her arms towards the bottle and said "tha tha" . Harry FINALLY got it and ran towards the kitchen with the bottle and heated the milk poured it and ran again towards the cupboard .

As he got there he saw her stop crying as she made grabby grabby arms towards him , he chuckled and sat down as she crawled back up on his lap and he started to feed her using the bottle after that thankfully he somehow knew that he has to burp her , so he gently rubbed her back as she burped then started to fall asleep on his chest ...But before sleeping she mumbled something or particularly "Bubba".

That is Merida's pendant necklace that someone special had made for her ;-) ;-) . And its not Harry.

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