09 | Restless

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Diana drew in a deep breath as her eyes shot open, her chest heaving up and down rapidly as her eyes scanned her surroundings

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Diana drew in a deep breath as her eyes shot open, her chest heaving up and down rapidly as her eyes scanned her surroundings. Her hand instantly reached for her neck, running her shaking fingers across her sweat ridden skin, as if to pry the torturous grip of her Father off of her. Relieved that her throat now had the freedom to greedily accept the air around her, Diana took deeper breathes, calming herself. As she did so, she slowly sat up on the couch she slept on that lived adjacent to the bed Lucy and Gael shared; the pair had remained asleep.

As Diana's breathing patterns returned to normal, she ran her hands through her matted hair, her mind drifting back to her nightmare. The first dream she had remembered in the past few weeks just happened to be the one she wished she had forgotten the moment she was tugged back to reality. Her Father's words replayed in her mind over and over like a broken record.

We don't love you, Diana.

No one would ever dare love someone as desperate and empty and broken like you.

You're alone, Diana. All alone.

Diana tugged at her roots, her fingers knotting into her hair. She had the feeling that she would never forget the threatening harshness behind her Father's dark voice, or the truth she believed lied within his  dreadful words.

At the harsh sound of thunder cracking, Lucy jolted away, sitting up instantly as she called, "Aslan!"

"Lucy?" Diana croaked, jumping at the girls call for the lion.

Instead of responding to Diana's concern, she pulled a piece of folded paper from under her pillow, stared down at it for a few moments before crumbling it up into a tight ball. She then stood and stalked over to the fire place by Diana's feet, throwing the paper into its flames. At her action, the embers within the flame released the sound of a lion roaring viciously.

"Are you okay?" Diana wondered as Lucy's breathing had settled once seeing the paper destroyed.

"Fine now..." Lucy sighed as she turned her attention towards the older girl, her expression  quickly shifting from determination to concern. "Gosh, Diana, you're shaking." she said as she went to gather the spare blanket that was draped at the end of the bed before moving towards Diana with the intention of wrapping it around her.

"I'm not cold, Luc." Diana declined the blanket and fiddled with her hands in her lap, her fingers tracing the absent crescent moon marks she was convinced were there. "I'm fine really, it was just a bad dream."

"You too, then." Lucy grimaced as she sat beside her.

Diana hummed lightly before placing a comforting hand on Lucy's knee before asking, "Want to talk about it?"

"I never want to relive it." Lucy was quick to reply.

"I don't think I could go back to sleep." Diana bit down on her lower lip to suppress a yawn threatening to escape.

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