06 | Evil Has The Upper Hand

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Evil Has The Upper Hand

| CHAPTER SIX |Evil Has The Upper Hand[unedited]

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"Edmund... Edmund, wake up." Caspian spoke with urgency as he shook the younger boy by the shoulder frantically.

As Edmund groggily opened his eyes and spotted a worried Caspian, he moved to his feet to follow Caspian who gestured towards the array of large human like footprint embedded into the sand leading into the camp and back out. As Edmund examined the imprints, Caspian moved towards Diana. Gently, he place a palm on her shoulder over the ruff fabric of the shirt he had lent her and shook her. "Diana, quickly, wake up."

Fluttering her eyes open, Diana stiffened at the sight of a concerned Caspian staring down at her, his hand still remaining on her shoulder as she began to disassociate from the dream realm.

Caspian had stayed true to his word the previous night. When he escorted Diana back to camp after their night of banter, bonding and an undeniable tension lingering between them that had almost been broken, Diana could barley keep her eyes open. Upon returning to camp, at the sight of their makeshift beds had Diana bidding the king a peaceful rest before she fell into a well needed sleep as soon as her head rested upon her arm she used to act as a pillow. Caspian had followed suit. As a result, the pair had failed to notice the unoccupied bed beside Gael.

"Are you okay?" Diana asked as she sat up causing Caspian's hand to fall from its comfortable place on her shoulder.

"Where's Lucy?" Edmund stated, staring down the empty spot beside Gael.

Diana followed his hard gaze, and would of countered the slight panic in his voice is she hadn't noticed the footprints imprinted into the sand, leading into the heart of the island. Worry struck her core as she stood and called aloud for the missing girl, "Lucy?"

"Lucy!" Edmund shouted as he frantically eyed the beach.

"Everybody up! Get up I said!" Drinian demanded as the crew jolted awake from their slumber, preparing for an immediate search.

"This way." Caspian said as he gestured towards the array of footprints as he lead the crew into the island's core in search for the young queen - all minus a snoring Eustace who the crew remained oblivious too.

"Caspian," Diana began timidly as she met the kings long strides. At the signal of a raised brow by Caspian, Diana continued, "Do you remember last night when you... Well, when we... I mean when we almost..." Diana trailed off, struggling to find the correct words and fighting the blush that threaten to stain her cheeks.

"What about it?" Caspian wondered with slight worry, knowing her implication however wary of where said conversation would lead.

Diana began to pick with a loose thread on her pants and fiddle with the handle of the sword that Caspian had lent her. "Well, do you recall me mentioning a noise?"

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