02 | The Dawn Treader

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The Dawn Treader

| CHAPTER TWO | The Dawn Treader[unedited]

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"It's alright. I've got you." a deep voice came from behind Diana as they broke the surface of the water. "Are you okay, Miss?" the voice questioned as Diana began coughing violently at the water that managed to crawl it way into her lungs.

"I-I am. I think, I-" Diana's speech was cut off by meeting her saviours eyes, whose concerned eyes softened ever so slightly upon seeing her.

Diana took in a breath to thank the man but was cut off by a joyful Lucy who called, "Caspian!"

"Lucy!" the man acknowledged the girl with equal glee.

"Edmund, it's Caspian!" Lucy called out to her brother who had continued to swim as a man helped to keep her above water.

Edmund and Eustace stopped swimming to turn and face Lucy as a pair of men approached the boys for support with one of them stating, "It' alright boys."

"We're in Narnia?" Edmund said with excitement.

"Narnia?" Diana said gobsmacked, still in shock as she met her saviours eyes again.

The man behind her - Caspian - chuckled lightly, smiling brightly at his old friends before focusing his attention on the woman in his arms, affirming, "You're in Narnia."

"I don't want to go! I want to go back to England! I'm going back to England!" Eustace cried as he attempted to both fight the man trying to pull him to safety as well as keep himself afloat.

"Come on, I've got you." Caspian said as he assisted Diana towards the large and marvellous ship, one arm wrapped around her middle.

Diana tried her best to not make it any more difficult to help her, kicking her legs and using her arms to pull against the strangely sweet water. As they approached the side of the ship, he stepped up onto a lowered wooden platform held up by thick ropes, finding a steady position before offering a hand to Diana to help her up, a hand she gladly accepted.

The surface was unsteady in the water, resulting in Diana hurrying to grip onto the ropes tightly and Caspian's arm to find its way around her waist again to keep her steady. "Hold on." he advised as the platform began rise to the top of the ship, were they were pulled onto the deck by the crew.

Caspian was then handed two towels, handing one to Diana who was quick to wrap it around her shoulders. He then observed the woman to be shivering severely - in which he thought was to be a result of being cold instead of shock - leading him to rest his towel over his shoulders in an upmost gentlemanly manner.

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