1: Normal day

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I go tell Ben to get ready and he does, his very sweet and smart. He loves books and music. He loves the Civil War, so I bet you anything he'll be at Jasper to tell him all about it. I find an outfit to put on. I loosely curl my hair and do light make up. Not much since I don't really need it but I do it to make myself feel human in a way. I don't use foundation but I do use blush, especially since me, Jasper, Ben and the girls are going to Port Angles. The twins look to be about 5 now. It's weird, Renesme is the same. I go get the girls ready. They both have brown hair and brown eyes. I decide on a dress with brown boots. I sigh and Eva and Celia are just playing together. Ben walks over to me and hugs me. His nearly the same height as me. "What's wrong, Ben?" I ask. "How safe are we now? I mean there is four half human, half vampire" said Ben. I place my hands on his shoulders. "Ben, I can't answer that but trust me when I say this, I will protect you three with my life, as will Leah and dad" I said. I hear a knock on the door and I open it to Paul Lahote and Seth Clearwater. "Come in" I said. They walk in. Celia runs to Seths and Seth gasps. She is my imprint! thought Seth. I then glance at Paul. Eva is my imprint! thought Paul. I smirk. "You two imprinted on my girls" I said. Jasper runs in. "You two imprinted on my girls" said Jasper. "Look, Leah is handling it great and we're gonna do the same, god Seth will probably be really happy to live here" said Paul, laughing. I smile at them. "Eh, can't be mad, we weren't mad with Leah. But two Clearwater kids imprinted on our kids" I said, laughing. Seth blushes and Celia goes to him. He picks her up. "Seth, can we play? Eva wants to be with Paul." said Celia. "Of course, Celia" said Seth. I smile and poke his cheek. 

We decide to go visit Bella. We all make our way up there. Leah's already there. "Hey, what are you two doing here?" asked Leah. "I imprinted on Celia" said Seth. "I imprinted on Eva" said Paul. "Wow, Jake imprints on Renesme, me on Ben and you two on the twins. Wow, what a foursome" said Leah, laughing. I just laugh. "Imagine the shock" I said. Leah nods and Ben hugs her. Leah smiles and rubs his hair. 

Carlisle walks in. "You two are so cute" said Carlisle. Leah laughs and Ben looks away. Bella walks in and smiles at me. "Hey" said Bella. Seth waves. "This is my imprint! Can you imagine, I have an imprint!" said Seth. "So do I" said Paul. I giggle and Bella just drops her mouth. 

I just shrug. "Magic, right" I said, laughing. I sit down on the sofa and Bella sits across from me. "Jake told my dad about him, he came to visit. God, the smell of blood was horrendous but I got through it" said Bella. "Wow, Jake!" I said. "They were planning to move away!" said Jake. "Oh. Well you can't take imprints away" I said. I sigh and then I glance around and everyone is smiling. "We're happy but we're always waiting for something to go wrong." said Carlisle. "I agree, we can never be too happy" I said, holding Jasper's hands. Jasper kisses my cheek and smiles. "Your beautiful" said Jasper. "Your handsome" I said. I kiss him and they cough. "Seriously stop!" said Emmett. "You two were worse" said Edward, smirking at him. I laugh and lean my head on Jasper's shoulder. "We should get home, we need to feed the kids and give the girls baths" I said. "Actually, if you want, me, Paul and Leah can mind them tonight? You two have a night in, break some stuff, stuff that married couples do" said Seth. I glance at Jasper. "OK, where will you be staying?" asked Jasper. "The reserve, if that's alright? It's just Emily wants to meet them" said Seth. "That's fine, they're allowed. There is no bad blood between us since they were only doing what they were trained to do" I said. 

They come with us and we hand them bags with their clothes. I sigh and they leave. "OK, as much as I want to make love, I don't want to get pregnant right away, cause imagine if the Volturi came and we had basically a baseball team of kids" I said. Jasper laughs and Jasper takes out a box. "Emmett got them for us. It was hilarious, he waited till you weren't around. Also, Emmett tried it.... don't ask why and apparently our sperm doesn't burn or ruin the condom so we can use them" said Jasper. I laugh and take one out. "OK," I said. We go to the room and well, you know what happens ;) 

The remainder of the night we talk, we don't want to waste condoms. 

Today was good for once! No drama that we usually get!

This book probably won't be finished tomorrow so I will say Tuesday/Wednesday of next week it will be done!

I hope ya enjoyed

Lorna xx

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