9: Awakens

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We feed Ben and I look at my stomach. It's slightly bigger. I smile and we get Ben dressed. I have to get dressed and I look 4 months pregnant, god. I put a tight dress on with heels. I put on a long denim jacket. I brush my hair and put it in a messy bun. I do light make up and we go to the family's home. Once we arrive, Carlisle smiles. "Once Bella is awake, we will do a scan" said Carlisle. I nod and we go wait for her to awake. 

Ben sits beside Leah who has just arrived. Jake and Seth are sitting down, playing cards. I sit on Jasper's lap and smile at him. "I love you" I whisper. "I love you too" whispered Jasper. Carlisle looks at Edward. "She's awake" said Edward and his gone. I smile. Renesme is in Rose's arms. I smile and talk amongst ourselves. Jake goes out to see if Bella is OK to meet Renesme. I smile at Carlisle and he smiles back. 

Bella walks in behind Jake and Edward beside her. She smiles when Rose turns. Bella takes her and smiles at her. "She has teeth" said Bella. "It's been two days and here she is, just like Ben" said Carlisle. Bella looks at me and gasps. "Your pregnant!" said Bella. "I am" I said, smiling. "Congrats!" said Bella. Jake tries to take Renesme away but then Bella finds out the truth. I sigh. I step forward. "Bella.... calm down. He was drawn to you because Renesme, you don't have a right to be angry. Leah imprinted on Ben, his not gonna take her away from you" I said. Bella nods. "Fine, Jake your lucky Sienna was here." said Bella. Bella, Edward and Renesme goes outside. I smile at Jake. "You better be extra sweet to them two" I said. He nods and hugs him.

I sigh and sit down. "Damn, I hope this baby is a girl" I said. "Same, it would be amazing to have a girl" said Jasper. I nod and kiss him. "Ahem" coughed Emmett. "Oh hey Em" I said, smirking. He smirks and walks off. I smile at him and he goes to find Rose. I smile and kiss Jasper again. I smile towards Ben when he looks at us. "Mom? Is the baby a girl or boy?" asked Ben. "No clue" I said. We go for the scan. 

"The baby is healthy" said Carlisle. I smile and rub my stomach. We decide to go home now, since we want to feed Ben and let him have an hour or 2 on the television. I smile when his eating and watching television. 

Once he goes to bed, we relax on the sofa. I play with Jasper's fingers and we just talk for the remainder of the night.

Today was good, Bella is awake!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Lorna xx

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