8: Phoenix

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I wake up and we're in the hotel. It's hot but I miss Jazz. I really do. Alice walks in with food. "Here. You need food" said Alice. I nod and dig in. I then get dressed. I put my hair in a bun and sit on the sofa. "Alice? Will James discover his been played?" I ask. Bella is looking at her phone. "I'm not sure yet. He hasn't changed his mind. He could but if he does, I will know" said Alice. I nod and look down. "Jasper will be OK" said Alice. I look at her. "But what if James finds out they don't have us and he decides to kill one of them?" I ask. "Jasper has fought in a civil war, I'm sure he'll be fine. He knows your here waiting for him. He'd do anything to protect you" said Alice. I nod and play with my fingers. "Will you two be OK  here while we go downstairs to pay the hotel?" asked Alice. "Yeah. We will" I said. They leave and Bella's phone rings. She asks if she's OK but then all off a sudden she hardens. "Don't hurt her!" begged Bella. She hung up minutes later and Jonathon walks back in with Alice. "Alice had a vision. His at a ballet studio" said Jonathon. "I went to one near here" said Bella. Bella goes to the toilet. I know what she's doing. I follow her out and jump in with her. "Sienna! Get out!" said Bella. "No. Drive" I said. We get to the studio.

"I'm not letting you go alone" I said. Bella just nods and we go inside. "Mum?" called Bella. I look around. This is fishy. We go to a cupboard and she opens it. A television playing a home video. I look at Bella. "Ah the two humans" said James, his recording this. "Why are you doing this?" asked James. "Blame your mates. If they never reacted the way they did, I wouldn't have bothered" said James. "No.... you would've" I said. "How did you know?" asked James. I shrug. Bella tries to run but he grabs her and throws her to the mirror. I step back. James walks closer. "I feel for Jasper, his been waiting decades for you and here I am gonna kill you or maybe even better, turn you" said James. He leans in and grabs my arm. He bites down and then pulls away eventually. "Enjoy" said James, as I fall to the ground screaming. 

I eventually black out.

Bella's POV

I scream and he runs to me and throws me again. "Oh Bella. Your friend is gonna be a vampire" said James. The ceiling or planks fall and glass gets into my leg. James bites me but is thrown off me by Edward. I look at Jasper. "Jasper! Sienna has been bitten" I said. Jasper runs to her with Carlisle. "It's too late. She has to change" said Carlisle. Jasper nods and decides to kill James. Edward sucks the venom out of my hand. I soon black out.

Jasper's POV

Me and Jonathon decide to drive back to Forks with Sienna. I sit in the back with her. She will take three days to turn into a vampire. Hopefully she makes it. I will not be able to live without her. She is my soulmate. We make it home and I lay her on the bed. "Please wake up, darling" I begged. "Jasper? I am so sorry" said Jonathon. "Bella told me she never asked her to go, she went to help protect her. It's not your fault. If anything I should have been with her. I would have gone with them both" I said. Jonathon hugs me. "She'll wake up" said Jon. "I know" I said. With that being said, the rest of the night is spent watching Sienna sleep, well not sleep but may as well call it sleep. 

When she wakes, she will be with me forever. Victoria will come but for both of the girls or just one of the girls?

I hope you enjoyed! Only two more chapters of Act 1!

Lorna  x

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