Prologue- the Great Atlantic Portal

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June 1908 mid Atlantic Ocean HMS Knight

HMS Knight and two destroyers surge through the waves as they headed towards Canada. The crows nest reported of a unknown anomaly about 2 miles north east off their bow. It was a glowing shimmer of light. The squadron turn to the north east and headed closer. Once closer they could see tropical waters through the shimmering light.

"Signal the admiralty tell them of this anomaly and ask if we have permission to go though what ever this is" Commodore John William Smith ordered.

A few hours later a reply came back. "Sir message received it says to investigate further and to await further reinforcements and instructions" midshipman Joshua Phillips replied.

The three ships surge into the shimmering light.

HMS Knight and her 2 destroyers arrive in tropical waters after heading through the shimmering light. Commodore Smith orders a map to be created and they mark the portals position on the new map.
After sailing for a few hours they reach a landmass and name an large island king Edward Island after king Edward VII.
Commodore Smith plants a flag and makes a plaque on the island which says that the island belongs to the British Empire and that we'll be back.

The 3 ships then promptly sail back and out the portal where to their astonishment they found the reinforcement fleet waiting including 2 Knight class Pre Dreadnought battleships and 16 destroyers as well as 3 civilian ships and 3 troop ships. This brought the total number of naval ships up to 21 ships.

These ships came with new orders. These orders were to establish a colony on the other side which would come to be known as The Other Earth.

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