Chapter 4- Voice changer

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With butterflies in his stomach, George sat at his desk still processing what had just happened. He had played Minecraft with Dream without him suspecting a thing! But there was one problem, how was he supposed to call Dream without him knowing that its George.

Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in George's head. I know! I'll get one of those online voice changers, then I can talk to Dream without him actually hearing my real voice! George thought to himself. Straight away, he opened chrome and started the search for a good voice changer. Eventually, he found a good cheap one that made him actually sound like a girl!

I should probably test this before I actually call Dream though. I know, I'll call Sapnap.

S- "What do you want George."

G- "Okay listen, do i sound like a girl?"

S- "What the fuck haha what did you get, is it one of those cheap voice changer things haha."

G- "Yeah, i'm going to use it when I call Dream tomorrow."

S- "What? You call him all the time, why don't you want him to- Oh, I forgot you're being a dumbass and trying to trick him haha, I forgot i'm not talking to you."

G- "Wait-"

Sapnap ended the call before George could explain to him why he had to do this. Why he must know if Dream will ever truly love him. *Buzz* George felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, he picked it up, expecting to see a message from Sapnap, apologizing for ending the call, but instead he sees a snapchat from Dream. Cautiously, George opens the snap, it read:

" Hi George, r u still down to record a manhunt tonight? "

Shit, I completely forgot.

"Yeah sure I'll be ready in like 20 mins :) "

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