Brad looked at her again, hesitant. He knew the girl would get beyond upset when she'd learned the news, and didn't want her to rip up her stitches.

- They called off the mission, he finally said, making Liv hit the bed in frustration, quickly regretting her actions.

- Fuck!, she screamed as she realized her wrist was probably broken considering the pain and bandage around it.

- For fuck sakes, Miller, just fucking calm down, Brad said, seeing how much pain the girl was in. You're lucky you're even alive. If we hadn't found you, I'm not sure you'd still be here.

- I didn't need your help, Liv answered, getting pissed at her partner's behaviour. I had things under control. If you didn't show up, Anderson would still be alive and we would know the name of the man he was working for.

- You had things under control?, Brad laughed. I found you half conscious after you'd been tortured. I saved your fucking life, a thank you would be appropriate.

- I had a plan and you fucked it all up, she answered with confidence, despite the fact not being true, as she finally managed to sit up on the bed.

Because the truth was, agent Simpson did save her life. And despite what she was saying, she was grateful she was still alive thanks to him, even if that meant losing her mission.

- You're so fucking-, Brad started, not finishing his sentence.

- What?, Liv said, waiting for him to finish his sentence, knowing it wasn't going to be a compliment.

Brad sighed.

- Do you have any idea what we went through when you disappeared?, he asked, his facial expression now softer.

The girl looked at him, confused. She was expecting him to insult her, not go all sentimental.

- I thought you- we thought we'd find you dead, he continued as he sat on the bed, facing Liv. Fuck, it took us so bloody long to find you, he continued looking at his hands, not bearing to look at the girl's swollen face. If I hadn't switched positions in that parking lot, you wouldn't have gone through this.

The AA agent was left speechless. It was the first time she heard Brad talk with his heart, and not be condescending with her. She couldn't help the goosebumps on her skin at the sound of his words.

- It's not your fault, she said as she timidly grabbed his hand in hers.

She expected him to yank it away and start insulting her again, but he didn't. Instead he lifted his head up to look her up in the eyes.

- And as you said, I'm still alive, she continued, Brad looking at her intently. Thanks to you, she finally added.

She knew she was going to regret admitting it, but it seemed right to say it.

- And before you star-, Live started to say but was cut off by Brad's lips on hers.

His action was so sudden that she sat there, motionless for a second before it finally hit her. Brad was kissing her. He was kissing her without it being for a cover. And contrary to what she expected, it wasn't the worst thing in the world. It felt... Pretty fucking good. She didn't give him time to back away, and placed her hands on his jawline, deepening their kiss. The BA agent was also not expecting Olivia to answer positively to his kiss, considering how feral she'd been with him since they started working together. But he simply couldn't control himself anymore. She was in his mind 24/7 despite his hardest efforts to get her out of there, and the thought of losing her during that failed mission made him realize it wasn't just a sexual attraction.

- Ouch, Olivia suddenly said as she pulled away from Brad.

Her entire body was aching, and despite Brad's lips on hers making her feel literal butterflies in her stomach, the pain everywhere else was too much to handle.

- Ahem, Brad cleared his throat. I should probably tell them to increase your morphine again, he said as if nothing had happened. You need to rest, he added as he got off the bed and left the room.

Olivia didn't answer, too shocked by what had just happened between them. Did they really kiss, or was she high on morphine? She swore at herself for letting it happen when she promised herself she wouldn't get close to any partner ever again. She simply couldn't let that happen again. But if her mission was cancelled, she might not have the chance anyway. 

I know it took me forever to write this chapter and I am very sorry about it :(. I do hope that you liked it anyway, and that you don't hate me for taking a month to write it haha. Don't forget to click on the star and leave a comment if you did!

And in other news, I've started writing a new book with Brad as main character (again)! The story is very different to everything I've done so far, and I am very nervous about sharing it haha. Will probably share the first chapter very soon, so keep your eyes peeled and follow me to get notifications :) 

Love you guys <3


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