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As soon as Olivia and Brad had reached the British Agency's floor, they were escorted to a meeting room, and asked to wait for Mrs Thompson, the Head of the BA. Liv was in the complete dark as to why they were at the Agency, but she could feel something was wrong. When Mrs Thompson finally arrived in the room, both Olivia and Brad stood up, and were surprised to see she wasn't alone. Three men were following her, an older gentleman dressed in a navy blue military uniform, a middle aged man dressed in a black suit and a younger lad in his late twenties, dressed casually in jeans and a black sweater. Olivia's heart skipped a beat at the sight of the lad she knew too well.

- Agents, Mr Thompson said as she nodded at them to take a sit.

- What the hell is MI6 doing here, Olivia said as she stared at the man in front of her, not bothered to watch her tongue.

- It's nice to see you too, Liv, the lad answered, a grin on his face, his eyes focused on the girl.

Brad looked at the two of them, wondering how they knew each other, but before he could ask anything, Mrs Thompson spoke.

- Agent Miller, please take a sit, she said as she pointed at the empty sit next to Olivia.

Liv frowned, eager to have answers to all her questions, but didn't object and sat on the chair next to Brad, her eyes still on the MI6 agent in front of her.

- Can someone tell me what's going on? she said, turning her head towards Mrs Thompson. Why are we here? We're putting the mission in jeopardy by being here. And why the fuck is MI6 here?

- I take it you haven't talked to your partner about yesterday's events, agent Simpson? Mrs Thompson asked Brad, making everyone in the room look at him.

He didn't seem phased by this sudden attention, and simply answered:

- Haven't had a chance.

- Are you fucking kidding me? Olivia said, exasperated by her partner's behaviour. I've been asking you about yesterday for HOURS, she added making the MI6 agent laugh. Oh shut up, Ben, she added, looking straight at him.

- You haven't changed a bit, the MI6 agent said, fascinated by the girl in front of him.

- Alright, that's enough, Mrs Thompson said, bringing silence back into the room. We don't have much time here. Agent Miller, we wouldn't have made you come here if the lives of millions of people were not on the line.

Olivia's eyebrows furrowed, wondering what the woman meant.

- Agent Simpson found out yesterday that one of Russell Wells's clients, Martin Hobbs, is planning on eradicating major capital cities off the surface of the Earth using nuclear bombs, London included, Mr Thompson added.

The girl's heart stopped beating for a second. How had Brad been so chill about it the entire morning? She had just learned about it and already felt sick to her stomach.

- The only element they are missing at the moment is plutonium, but are about to get their hands on some. We need you to stop the transaction and bring us Hobbs.

- That's why MI6 is here, Liv said as she realized what that meant. They're taking over the mission.

- We're helping you achieve the mission, the man in the suit corrected her. All we need is Hobbs, he continued, looking straight at Olivia. We've had our eyes on him for a while, and this is our opportunity to take him down. And I've heard your team is the best suited to do so.

- Yet you don't trust us enough to let us do our job without forcing one of your agents in the team, the American girl said, making the gentleman in front of her raise an eyebrow. Isn't it why Anderson's here?

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