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Brad was finally back on the field, even if his shoulder wasn't fully functional yet, and was able to have access to Wells schedule again. Olivia had managed to find a phone at his mansion, from which James had been able to retrieve some names and dates of transactions. The tension between Brad and Liv was at its highest, the sight of the brunette in the arms of their target driving the boy mad. They spent their nights screaming at each other under their teammates helpless eyes. Fortunately for Olivia, Brad was leaving on a business trip with Wells at the end of the week, and wouldn't be back before a few days, giving her a break from the constant contempt and abuse.

The girl was in the empty room the team used to train,  jabbing at the boxing bag in front of her, a thin layer of sweat covering her skin. Her hair, tied in a ponytail, was sticking to the side of her face and the back of her neck, but she paid no attention to it. She was throwing punch after punch, focused on her breathing and arm rotation. The loud music her earbuds were blasting in her ears prevented her from hearing the door open, and someone approaching her, making her roundhouse kick the intruder by reflex when she saw a shadow in the corner of her eye, before making him fall to the ground while holding onto his arm, until he was left lying on his back, her sitting on top of him.

- What the fuck Miller, Brad said while he pushed her off him before she could even comprehend what had happened.

She hadn't meant to assault her partner like that, but was relieved when she noticed it was him and not one of the other guys. Plus kicking his ass like that had felt pretty satisfying.

- Never sneak up on someone training, she answered as she got up right after Brad. They don't teach you that at the BA? she added with irony before wiping her forehead with the back of her hand, removing sweaty strands of hair from her eyes.

- You know, I initially came here to politely ask you to shut the fuck up, but it looks like you could use a lesson or two on how to properly take someone down, he said as he got rid of his shirt, throwing it in the corner of the room.

- Properly take someone down? Liv repeated with a smirk. I took you down a minute ago, I don't think I need any lesson from you.

Before she could realize what was happening, Olivia was lying on the floor, Brad standing next to her, a satisfied smile on his lips.

- There's no shame in admitting your training sucks, he answered as she quickly got back up.

- Did you fucking knee tapped me? she asked in reference to the technique she learned at the AA, furious at herself for letting the boy take her down so easily. You really wanna go there? she added, ready to kick his ass again.

She couldn't take his arrogant attitude anymore, and was dying to teach him a lesson and erase the superior smile off his face.

- Come on Miller, show me what you've got, Brad said as he held his two fists at eye level.

A devious smile appeared on the girl's lips at the thought of being allowed to punch him in the face without repercussions. She imitated him, bringing her fists in front of her face, one foot forward. She thought of going for his shoulder, which would certainly have ensured her victory, but she wanted the fight to be fair. She wanted to win because of her skills and training, not because of his injury. Liv threw the first punch, her right arm extending towards his jaw, but Brad was quicker, and managed to dodge the hit before grabbing her arm and making her spin on herself, until he was behind her holding her bent arm behind her back while his other arm was around her neck.

- See? he said in her ear, his lips almost touching the skin on her neck. Too easy.

Just as he said that, Olivia elbowed him in the rib cage, and took advantage of his shortness of breath to get herself out of his grip before turning around and curling her hand into a fist, aiming for his left jaw again. Her hand hit his face first, slamming it into his ribs right after, not giving the boy time to breathe.

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