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The team had arrived in Russia a few hours ago and were setting up their equipment in the apartment they were sharing for the duration of the mission. The journey to Krasnoyarsk had been quiet, everyone focused on memorizing every single detail of the plan. There was no space for mistake, and all four of them were well aware of that. They all had extensive experience on the field and knew exactly what they were doing, and how to do it. And none of them intended on failing the mission.

- We're connected, agent McVey said as he sat in front of a row of computer screens, each displaying different informations, from lines of code to photos and information about their targets' identities.

- Do we have eyes on the target? agent Evans asked, standing behind James and looking at the screens.

James typed on his keyboard and a security camera footage appeared on one of the screens, showing the front of villa.

- He's inside with Wells, James said, typing away on his keyboard. We've got access to all exterior cameras around his block. We'll be able to follow him the second he steps out.

- Good. According to Puck he should be out in 10, Tristan said before turning towards Brad and Olivia getting ready for their first assignment behind him. You guys ready?

- Affirmative, agent Simpson said before placing the 9mm semi-automatic gun he had just picked up from one of the many suitcases Tristan had brought with them in the gap between his belt and lower back. Let's go.

Olivia grabbed a gun similar to the one Brad had picked and placed it underneath her shirt in the small of her back like him before taking a knife and securing it at her ankle, underneath her black jeans. She tied her long chocolate brown hair in a ponytail and followed Brad and Tristan to the black Mercedes SUV parked outside the apartment.

The mission was simple, follow Russell Wells's Head of Security, Vladimir Ivanov, and neutralize him without being compromised. The BA had been working on the case for several years, and had an agent (Robert Puck) deep undercover in Wells's entourage for the past year, slowly gaining his trust. Once Ivanov neutralized, the agent was to refer Brad as new Head of Security, granting him and the team access to Wells's house and schedule before part two of the mission came into place.

- He's on the move, James said in his mic, echoing in Brad, Liv and Tristan's ears through their small earpiece. Going East on Dunbar street.

Tristan immediately pressed gas and started driving towards where Ivanov was going, Brad sat next to him and Olivia behind him. The two of them had barely exchanged any words since their meeting at the BA, neither of them having anything particularly nice to say to the other. Liv didn't mind the lack of human connection. She was used to working alone in recluse area, spending weeks at a time without talking to anyone. She had been trained for that, and it was how she liked to work. When she turned eighteen she was partnered with Lucy, a sweet but fearless girl she quickly grew attached to. Lucy was killed during a mission, and Olivia had since then sworn to never get attached to anyone. Because caring for people only put her and them in danger, and she couldn't let that happen again.

- Make a left on Patterson, he's stopped at the light three cars ahead, Connor said to the team.

- Got him, Tristan said as he noticed the grey BMW a few meters in front of them.

Agent Evans kept his distance with Ivanov's car in order not to get compromised and followed him across the city until he parked in front of of decrepit house in a bad neighborhood. Tristan stopped the car a couple of blocks away from where Ivanov had parked, and Brad and Olivia waited for James's signal before making their way to the house.

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