"Do you forgive Daddy?" Hoseok asked Taehyung softly.

The words might as well have been coated in pure honey and sugar since Taehyung felt himself smile.

"Only if daddy praises Taetae with kisses," Taehyung said and enjoyed as he saw his boyfriend display his beautiful heart smile.

"Of course," Hoseok said as he leaned down and captured the youngers lips with his own.

Slowly and gently, Hoseok moved his lips against Taehyung's, the flavor of the youngers candy after breakfast found its way to Hoseok by just Taehyung's lips. Seeing as the couple both had to work soon, Hoseok pulled back after stealing a quick peck. He felt his heart stutter as Taehyung looked up at him with shiny eyes, his adorable box smile present on his handsome face.

"Taetae forgives daddy," Taehyung said as he licked his lips.

Hoseok smiled and pressed a soft kiss to Taehyung's temple.


"Ah!" The man who was tied up screamed as another of his nails were pulled out.

The man who did so wrinkled his nose as he saw how dirty the nail was. Had the man never heard of proper hygiene?

"Look, neither of us wants to be here. Just tell me what you know and you can save the rest of your nails from this fate," Seokjin said as he discarded the nail in a container that held two others. "Though, by the looks of it I am doing you a favor, seriously, have you never heard of hygiene?" Seokjin sneered.

The guy was pale and sweating harshly, his throw up of bile and saliva covering his lap. The smell of the room was absolutely disgusting but Seokjin wore a special mask so he only smelled his expensive cologne.

"F-fuck off..." The guy managed out weakly as he scrunched his eyes tightly.

No matter how badly he wanted to pass out, he knew the crazed man would do some shit like electrocute him for a 'fun' reaction.

"The hallux, the second toe, the fourth toe, hm, only the pinky and middle are left. I do not feel like taking all five from your right foot, I can save one for later. And if you live to tomorrow I will do the left foot," Seokjin said as he tried to decide which of the remaining toes he should pull.

"Whatever you do to me will not make me tell you what you want," The man grunted out as he glared at Seokjin.

The mafia leader simply let out a soft hum as he decided on the pinky toe.

"I could have one of my men get another of your coworkers, all I really need to do is show him your bloody and mangled body. Other than that you really have no other use," Seokjin said as he let out a loud laugh.

The man glared but clenched his teeth as he prepared for the next nail to be extracted.

A deep growl formed in the man's throat as he attempted to keep his scream down as he felt the nail being pulled from the roots and other bodily parts that kept it in place. Alas, his loud cry of pain was emitted as Seokjin slowly pulled the nail out.

Blood rushed from the new wound as Seokjin simply added it to the container the others were in as well.

"I know you would enjoy my presence and our bonding time more but I have work to do. Being the mafia leader is not easy you know, more paperwork than you would expect though," Seokjin muttered as he let out a sigh but smiled under his mask. "I do not wish for you to be lonely though so I have something fun for you!" Seokjin cackled as he strapped the sweaty head in place.

After making sure the man could not move his head or any limbs, Seokjin got the 'fun' things out.

"First, the chair will be tilted slightly so that the faucet will drip water onto your forehead every couple of seconds. Second, these are goggles and I will fill them with water until I know it will be a little under your eyes so it can annoy you. And lastly, you get to listen to the most monotone voice read an exciting story but every time there is a good part coming up it gets switched to a very high-pitched voice reading a boring story and vice-versa," Seokjin said as he made sure the faucet dripped every couple of seconds.

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