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"You're telling me you incompetent idiots were able to get this boy for our boss?" A pale man asked the dimpled man and 'Hyung-jin'.

"Yeah, I found him and Hoseok did his acting. You know the drill Yoongi-hyung," The dimpled man said.

"Yeah, yeah. To sum it up Namjoon used me to do the dirty work," Hoseok said as Namjoon scowled.

"You try hacking into the system and find out everything the internet had to offer about the boy," Namjoon growled out and Yoongi had been with the two knuckleheads long enough to know where the argument would lead.

The two best friends would get into a physical brawl or a standoff with their outdated military pistols. Yoongi also knew that there was a potential that the boy would wake up from such loud noises, and their boss had told them he would wake the boy up.

Yoongi valued his life just enough to not want it to be taken by his best friend, the leader of the mafia.

"If you two don't shut the fuck up this moment you will wake the boy. If that happens, Boss will put a bullet in between your eyes before you can even process it, and you will be meeting hell's doors," Yoongi growled out and the two younger males immediately shut up.

Yoongi was not in the mood to see the two idiots get killed so he dragged the duo off but not before locking the door so that the kidnapped boy would not be a thorn in his side since he would undoubtedly try and escape through the door.

"I just hope your research is right and the boy is usable," Yoongi muttered as the tallest of the three males stood up straight and brushed seemingly just dust off his jacket.

"Trust me, he has all the traits and even the past for it. It's just a matter of time before the boy falls. Fucking hope it's soon since my little Mochi is excited for a playmate," Namjoon said as they turned a corner to head to their rooms before getting called up.

"I hope so, it did take a little bit of time for my baby to fall," Hoseok said and received a smack on the head from Namjoon.

"You fucking indulged him in his horny desires," Yoongi pointed out and Hoseok glared at the short, pale man who in turn, glared back.

"Hey!" Hoseok yelled and the two other males looked at him with a certain expression upon their handsome faces.

Namjoon and Yoongi knew they were right, hell even they felt slightly repulsed at the two whenever Taehyung would limp by grabbing onto the wall in a desperate matter or when they would watch Hoseok icing his groin.

"It wasn't even that much!" Hoseok snapped out and the other two males looked at one another before they began to laugh obnoxiously.

"Yeah right, like he was not obviously dying to have your dick up his ass every waking hour of the damn day. How could I mix that up?" Yoongi spat out making Hoseok frown.

However, not a single word was uttered out in defense as their boss's voice rang out.

"Glad you have fucking time to laugh and goof off. Namjoon you get all the information you can get about this boy that you did not get yesterday, Hoseok you go order some food that the littles like or whatever, and Yoongi you go get the other littles. We do not have time to fuck around, I need this boy to turn into a little in time," Seokjin ordered.

"Yes, Boss!" All the males shouted as the bowed before running off.

"Idiots," Seokjin muttered out as his gaze fell onto the baby bottle in his hand and wrinkled his nose. "They better be fucking right about that brat. Did he really need painkillers like this?" Seokjin muttered.

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