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The sound of screaming filled the Kim mansion, the sources of the screams came from three different areas of the house all from pain as well.

"You don't love Taetae!" Taehyung screamed as fat tears rolled down his red cheeks.

His hands were in fists as he thrashed around on his bedroom floor. Hoseok groaned as he refused to give in to his boyfriend's tantrum, last time he did he was broke for a while.

"I will give you a count of three and if you do not stop I will punish you," Hoseok ordered as he glared at Taehyung who was babbling mess.

"No! Daddy means to Taetae because he no loves Taetae!" Taehyung screamed as he threw the nearest object at Hoseok, which just so happened to be a sippy cup.

"One," Hoseok said as he glared at his boyfriend who showed no sign of calming.

That was exactly how Hoseok wanted to spend his morning after breakfast, seeing as breakfast was held earlier since Jeongguk woke up earlier.

"Wah!" Taehyung cried as he let out loud sobs.

"Two," Hoseok said in a deeper voice.

His anger flaring up slightly since the reason for his boyfriend crying was stupid.

"Taetae hates daddy!" Taehyung screamed making Hoseok clench his jaw tightly as his piercing gaze seemed to be able to burn Taehyung.

"Three," Hoseok said as he stormed over and threw the teenager over his shoulder like a bag of potatoes.

Taehyung let out loud sobs as he hit Hoseok's toned body with his arms and legs. His chest heaved up and down much too quickly, his throat burning as though he had chugged tequila.

"You get ten spankings for throwing such a big tantrum, no playtime today, and no screen time," Hoseok scolded as he laid Taehyung across his lap.

"N-no!" Taehyung screamed but let out a high pitch scream as the first of his punishments went into play.

Loud smacking rang in the room as the harsh hits landed themselves on Taehyung's ass.

Soon enough, Taehyung was sobbing softly into Hoseok's neck as his bum ached in pain. His throat hurt and his breakfast sat heavy in his stomach which was anything but pleasant.

"What do you have to say to daddy?" Hoseok asked Taehyung who sniffled and played with the suit the elder wore.

"Taetae sorry," Taehyung managed out weakly as Hoseok rubbed his back in a soothing gesture.

"Why were you such a brat to daddy?" Hoseok gently asked as he ran a hand comfortingly through Taehyung's silky hair.

Taehyung let out a soft sniffle as he let tears plop onto his boyfriend's black suit.

"Daddy wouldn't let Taetae go shopping for Gucci," Taehyung croaked out as a soft wave of heat formed itself on his cheeks.

A newfound embarrassment fell upon Taehyung as he let out a soft groan and hid his face in the crook of his boyfriend's neck. Hoseok continued to comfort his embarrassed boyfriend with comforting gestures.

"There there baby, did you learn your lesson?" Hoseok asked Taehyung who sniffled loudly.

"Yes, daddy," Taehyung said softly as he felt his heart no longer ache in heartbreak.

Hoseok carefully adjusted Taehyung to sit on his lap on his side. Not hugging him from the front but side. Taehyung let out a small whimper as his bum made slight contact with Hoseok's leg. The pain still surged on his bum but it would calm down soon enough.

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