Incorrect TPQ quotes

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A/N Found a bunch on Instagram that I thought fit them pretty well. Unfortunately I didn't find any good ones for Sheela :(

Aru: *refusing to get out of bed*

Aiden: Just get up! It's not that hard!


Aiden: What? It's not that cold out! And you're not even an animal!


Aiden: Just get out of bed!

Aru: NO

Aiden: Ugh...that's it. *picks her up bridal style*

Aru: !!! P-PUT ME DOWN!!

Aiden: *falls downstairs*

Aru: *catches him* I think you just 


Aru: fell for me.

Aiden: Put me down.

Brynne: There's no "i" in team but there is one in pizza.

Aru: So you're not going to share.

Brynne: I'm not going to share.

Aiden: If I was a drink, I'd be cherry vanilla coke. If you were a drink, what would you be?

Brynne: Bleach.

Aru: Sewage.

Mini: Are you guys okay?

Aru: I want to sleep for like 40 hours

Mini: Yeah, you know that's a coma, right?


Aru: Gosh, that sounds so refreshing. I could totally go for a light coma right now.

Mini: Standing next to sunflowers always makes me feel weak, like "look at this flower, this flower is taller than I am, this flower is winning and I'm losing."

Nikita: Wow, you are not ready to hear about trees.

Mini: Violence is never the answer.

Brynne: It's the solution!

Mini: No-

Brynne: I'm sorry, I talk a lot.

Hira: Yeah, you do, but it's nice.


Hira: I like hearing your thoughts.

Brynne:  :)

Brynne/Nikita: *sarcastically* Aren't you sugar and spice and everything nice?

Aru: Well, aren't you rudeness and sarcasm and everything. Um...

Brynne/Nikita: No, no, go ahead. You find something that rhymes with sarcasm and and makes sense and I'll stop being mean.

Brynne: What are you, five?

Aru: Yeah, on a scale of one to ten.

Brynne: Don't you mean "on a scale of one to five"?

Aru: I have self-esteem issues.

Brynne: Hey, are you guys free at like, 7 on Friday?

Aru: Yeah.

Brynne: How about you, Aiden?

Aiden: Yeah, I'm free.

Brynne: Great! I'm not, so you two go without me. Have fun on your date!

Mini: If or when I die--

Aru: Bold of you to assume I'm letting you die.

Rudy: Do you ever have that feeling where you look at someone and your heart skips a beat?

Mini: That's called arrhythmia. 

Rudy: I get that feeling when I look at y--

Mini: That's serious, you can die from it.

Aiden: Rate your pain level on a scale of 1 to 10.

Aru: Pi.

Aiden: Pi?

Aru: Yeah, low-level but never ending.

Aru: I have an idea.

Aiden: A good one?

Aru: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Hira: Quick, take my hand!

Brynne: *grabbing her hand* What happened?

Hira: Nothing, I just want to hold hands.

Brynne/Nikita: Hello there. Listen...who are you again? I apologize for my poor memory.

Brynne/Nikita: It's just so hard to remember things I don't care about.

Brynne/Nikita: I would literally rather be punched in the face than tell the class a fun fact about myself.

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