What Aiden saw with Mr. V's key + bonus

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A/N Based off pandava-adjacent-adjacent's theory on Tumblr. Link: http://pandava-adjacent-adjacent.tumblr.com/post/624167049970745345/a-head-cannon-on-what-aiden-saw-when-he-used-the .

Aiden pressed the key to the greenhouse door and a delicate filigree of golden light spread across the glass. The lock whirred softly as its gears shifted and twisted. And then Aiden was transported somewhere else. Somewhere familiar.

Mrs. Acharya was pacing the living room. Her hair was frizzed, like she'd recently gotten out of the shower. She sounded resigned, not angry, when she said, "I gave up the Otherworld for you. I relinquished my past for you."

"Sounds like you love the Otherworld more than me," his dad said, his face turning red. He stood up, a briefcase in hand. He wore a neat suit in preparation for his client he would be meeting.

She held her head high. "I miss it, but I will never miss anything as much as your love. You're not worthy of mine anymore." Mrs. Acharya turned away, scorn dripping from her voice. "You're not worthy of Aiden."

Aiden's dad got up and left without another word. The door slammed behind him.

Golden light glowed around Aiden, and he found himself standing back in front of the greenhouse, humidity and the smell of grass filling his nostrils. Something prompted him to look at Aru. She stood there with a worried brow and crossed arms. In the golden light, she looked radiant, beautiful even. He nearly opened his mouth to say something...but no, he wouldn't. Not today, when anything could happen. Aiden shook his head. The light disappeared and an empty feeling settled in his heart. He knew it to be loss.

"Let's go," he said. The door slid open and he waited for everyone to go in before him.

"You okay?" Aru asked as she walked past.

He met her eyes for the briefest second and glanced away. "Yeah, um, I'm fine, Shah," he said, hastily shoving the key inside the pouch again and returning it to her backpack.

- - -

"This place is...gross," said Rudy, flicking an imaginary piece of lint from his shoulder. "Is this the best of human establishments?" He turned to Aiden and sighed. "I thought you said we were going to do fun tours of the human realm. What about Disneyland?"

"We're a little busy with, you know, preventing the destruction of the world," said Aiden.

"All the more reason to take a vacation," said Rudy, rolling his eyes. "You must hate this place, Shah."

Aiden sometimes wished Rudy had a mute button. Aru was quiet for a moment, gazing down the isles. "I don't hate it," she said at last.

"Well, if you find this place remotely interesting, wait till you see my father's palaces. You're welcome to visit, you know."

In front of them, Aiden saw Mini pause for a second before continuing forward. He didn't need a Pandava mind link to sense that she felt hurt.

That mute button was sounding better and better.

Aru looked away. "I'll ask Brynne and Mini if they wanna go." She hurried forward.

Rudy looked after her with a curious expression. "I really thought she'd hate this place."

Aiden shrugged and fiddled with Shadowfax. Rudy had yet to understand Aru Shah, let alone see her as Aiden did. "Then you don't really know her."

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