COG scenes from Aiden's POV

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A/N This was inspired by @cookiescorpio! Check their writing out, it's amazing! Also, sorry for all the whiplash between scenes, I didn't feel like labeling them.

Aiden and Brynne were standing under the archway. His best friend brandished her wind mace, waiting for the right moment...

Just then, Aru and Kara sailed in on Vajra as a hoverboard. Kara jumped off the hoverboard easily, but Aru tripped.

Without thinking, Aiden rushed forward and caught her, spinning her out of the way of Mini's counterattack at the marmots.

He could feel her heartbeat as she pressed against him. For a moment Aiden enjoyed the feeling of her warmth. And then he realized he'd been holding her a few seconds longer than he needed to. He let go.

"Sorry," Aiden said quickly.

Aru didn't seem to notice. She straightened her top and tucked her dark hair behind her ears, tilting her face to the cold air of the cave. It had grown longer while she was gone.

When Kara illuminated the cave with her trident, Aiden found his eyes drawn to Aru's face. Her eyes unfocused as she stared into the dark. Fear lined her face briefly. He wished he could comfort her. He wondered how exactly she'd changed in those two months she'd been away.

Aru gave herself a little shake and some of the old fire returned to her eyes.

"You ready, Shah?" he asked.

She twirled her lightning-bolt spear, taking a breath as if to calm herself. "More than ready."


Brynne caught up to him as the guards walked the Potatoes to Queen Tara's quarters. "You okay, Aiden?" she asked quietly.

"Fine," he said shortly.

"What happened back there?"

Only Aru's incredulous laugh when the monkeys thought they might be together. He couldn't bear to be on the receiving end of her scorn if he ever told her how he felt.

"Nothing," he replied.

Brynne raised an eyebrow at him. "What's going on between you two?"

Aiden nearly tripped. "There's nothing going on between us," he said quickly. A little too quickly.

"Yeah, right. I've known you for years, Aiden. You'd have to work harder to lie to me."

Aiden rolled his eyes but the corner of his mouth tugged up. "Whatever."

"Hey," Brynne said, touching his forearm. "It was only a joke on the monkeys' part. A mistake. Aru didn't have anything to do with it."

A mistake. Aiden wished that word didn't make him feel so small. He'd heard it tossed around often when his parents fought in the living room. Their relationship had been a mistake. If he ever had one, would he end up like his mom or his dad?

"Sorry," he muttered. "There's a lot on my mind."

Brynne patted him on the shoulder. "It's fine, Wifey. Now let's catch up."


Aiden looked from Aru to Kara, his eyes narrowing. Somehow, he knew if he picked a side in this vote, he would be supporting that person over the other. He didn't want to leave Aru, but he also thought Kara had a point. So the best thing to do was to stay neutral.

"I don't pick sides. Let me know what you guys end up doing."

He turned on his heel and started heading up the beach.

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