Brynne x Hira Fluff

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Pretty sure this is the first Brynne x Hira oneshot on Wattpad, correct me in the comments if I'm wrong. Anyway, I like these two a lot and I think they could be really good together. Enjoy!

Brynne was officially bored.

Normally a bored Brynne was a dangerous Brynne. Her uncles and her best friend could attest to that. But today she felt more...dull. Listless. Mini and Hira were going to a restaurant for a family lunch. Aiden was helping his mom out with something and Aru had gone with her mom on a business trip out of the state. She couldn't talk to Sheela and Nikita because they were currently preparing for a hearing in the Otherworld Foster Care System Court. Even her uncles Gunky and Funky had gone out on an errand. There was no one for Brynne to be reckless with. She hated being lonely for too long. It reminded her of her former life with Anila.

No, she told herself sternly. Don't think about that. Brynne swallowed the lump in her throat and slid off the bed she had been lying on, walking past her wall of trophies and into the hallway. She took the stairs down to the main floor and did the only thing that calmed her down: cooking.

She had barely finished placing the lasagna in the oven when she heard the doorbell ring. Brynne frowned. She doubted it was any of her family or friends. Wiping her hands on her apron, she went over to the door and peered through the peephole.

Hira stood outside, arms tucked together. Her dark shoulder-length hair bounced in the wind. She wore a simple black hoodie that probably wasn't doing much to keep out the October chill. But what really caught Brynne's eye was the expression on her face. Shy, lonely, slightly fearful. The sight pained Brynne. It reminded her too much of her younger self.

Brynne opened the door. "Hi," she said awkwardly. "Come in."

Hira gave her a little smile, stepping in and rubbing her palms together. "Thanks."

"How was lunch?" Brynne asked, shutting the door and locking the protective enchantments back over it.

Hira shrugged. "It was fine."

The two walked into the hallway. "What brings you here?" Brynne asked.

"Oh, well..." Hira glanced away. "Mini and Rudy."


"Yeah." Hira smiled at that. "He came over after we got back."

Brynne arched an eyebrow. "Hmm. Well, if she's okay with him...did you come here for any reason?"

"No. It's just...I don't know. I feel like I'm intruding on something there."

Brynne nodded. She understood that pretty well. She'd encountered that feeling often enough these days when she saw Aru and Aiden. She wished they would just admit they were dating. "Well, you can stay here as long as you'd like. The lasagna should be ready pretty soon."

"What's lasagna?"

Brynne stared at the rakshasi girl, sure she'd misheard. "Repeat that, please."

"Um--what's lasagna?"

Brynne shook her head and let out a theatrical sigh. "You're going to learn today."

- - -

"The layers are very important," Brynne said, poking a finger at the finished lasagna. "It has to be sauce, noodles, and cheese. Then repeat that, and then add your noodles and bake it. Finally, you add in the cheese."

Hira looked inquisitively at the pan. She'd propped her elbows on the kitchen counter as she listened to Brynne.

"And that's not all. You've-"

Just then, the beeping of the oven timer interrupted Brynne. "That means it's done setting," she said, opening a drawer and pulling out a knife. "Do you want to help cut it?"

"Okay." Hira accepted the knife and started to slice through the layers.

"No, more like this," Brynne gently corrected, placing her fingers on Hira's. A tingle ran through her hand as she adjusted the other girl's grip. "Like that. Press down hard. You only need to cut two pieces. For us."

Hira ducked her head and finished cutting the squares.

Brynne divided the lasagna onto two plates and carried them over to the table. Hira pulled out two chairs. They both sat down. Brynne inhaled the smell of melting cheesy goodness and tomatoes and noodles.

"Oh, and we can't forget..." Brynne sliced a chunk off her piece and held it in the air. Hira copied her. "To great lasagna."

"And friendship," Hira added, clinking her fork against Brynne's. They locked eyes. A shiver passed through Brynne's body and she was sure it had nothing to do with the temperature. She brought her fork to her mouth to hide it. "Let's dig in."

- - -

Brynne's phone buzzed. She polished off the last of her lasagna and picked it up. It was a text from Mini.

I'll tell you everything in person tomorrow. Is Hira with you?


Tell her I'm sorry if she felt left out and I'll make it up to her.

"Tell her there's no need," Hira said when Brynne relayed the message. She smiled shyly at Brynne. "I don't feel alone with you."

Warmth rose to Brynne's cheeks. She typed out a response to Mini. A few seconds later, her phone buzzed again. Brynne frowned. "Your mother wants you home."

Hira's face fell. "Oh. All right." She finished her lasagna and rose. Brynne followed her to the door. "Well, have a good night," she said awkwardly.

Hira turned around on the doorstep. She walked back to Brynne and pecked her on the cheek. "Thank you. For everything."

Brynne opened her mouth, and closed it again. "You're welcome," was all she could think of to say.

Hira gave her a quick smile and started going down the steps.

"Wait!" Brynne blurted. "Uh...same time tomorrow?"

Hira looked back, her eyes lighting up. "Yes!"

A Series of Aru Shah OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang