♡Ushijima Shoyo♡

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UsageCrisis speaking!
Ushijima Shoyo
Thats the gingers new name as everyone clasped their hands some even bawling their eyes out while the couple parted away , even Ushijima's parents came together too come too his wedding, Which the ginger was also bawling her eyes out which caught Ushijima's attention "Did you get hurt?" Ushijima asked which Shoyo shook her head "N-no im just so happy..." the ginger muttered making Ushijima smile a bit before carefully wiping the tear's away "now we shall give our blessings and congratulations to the new married couple shall we?" The priest smiled as everyone clapped their hands

"Congratulations..." Ushijima's father smiled making Ushijima nod while The former Ace's mother had a lovely chat with The ginger Before both of them had to leave, too Ushijima's dissapointment While Shoyo just chuckled gently, patting the back of Ushijima's shoulder "Its okay Toshi" The ginger smiled before getting interrupted by a scream making both couple's tence up too see Ashlyn screaming and her husband almost killing someone, "W-what?" The ginger stuttered out of fear slightly backing away "The guy looks like Tendou" Ushijima sweatdropped "It isnt me" Tendou suddenly spoke beside them making The ginger yelp, (if you read the comment's you'll understand) lets just say everything went well...except for a guy in a hospital.

-okay so Hinata and ushijima has a son (13 yrs old) and 7 yr old twins
-Eldest son=Yuma(Calm Truth)
-Oldest daughter=Natsumi(Summer)
-youngest daughter=Yaiyoi(Spring)
While the ginger was buying groceries leaving Ushijima behind at the house, it was his day off today and the ginger decided to buy some ingredients to make him his favorite dish, which the door knocked a few seconds later which Ushijima stood up before opening the door, as The former ace's eyes widened in a matter of seconds "Yuma...? What happened...?" Ushijima asked while his eldest son was covered in bandages and some visible bruises "Its nothing, can i come in?" Yuma smiled slightly (If you remembered he has Hinata's hair and Ushijima's damped purple eyes and the ginger's adorable face, so he's practically adorable) which Ushijima complied with as Yuma came in taking off his shoes and putting them beside the door, Yuma WAS going to his room before getting stopped by Ushijima "Yuma....We need to have a talk about this, you have been coming home with bruises alot" Ushijima stitched his eyebrows in worry yet sill having his serious facade on which Yuma's smile slowly dissapeared before coming back up again "Im fine! Just fell down the stairs!" Yuma smiled again, Ushijima not buying it narrowed his eyes "You said that last week, Yuma" Ushijima sternly spoke, yes sure he doesnt show any emotion thats true yes, but he does do so if it cant be helped "Im just clumsy thats all" Yuma shrugged,

But it was all a Lie

Hello my Luvly readerettes! Are some of you getting bullied? Well thats no good is it? I know what im saying is too easy to say but hard to do and im sorry... ive been there aswell and i wanna help you move up so you can get back up on your feet again...im sorry i cant say this to you in real life but... remember...they are themselves while you are yourself, you and them are different from each other, you dont have to live up too their expectations, and one of they few people you have to look up too is a person you'll see in the mirror someday, and who they have to look up too is the person they'll be someday, insults dont have to push you down, rather then that use it as fuel to keep going, rather then it being water to your fire, let it be fuel to your engine, be the person you'll see in the future and not anyone else, you dont have to have a good paying job too be wealthy or happy, having an apartment with a smile is enough, being a job as a caretaker makes you a hero, even a barista aswell, people over look these job's so much that they forget that their daily lives depend on those people who have those job's, dont be afraid to show then who you are and what you are, because no one is worthless, and no one will ever be

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