Chapter65{Late Night Call} + {Nursing back to Health}

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(Third person POV)
Hello my Luvly readerettes!!! I have made a Kenhina chapter today! (And if you're wondering why I'm doing so many full on ships it's because were close too the end and I wanna feature some of the favorites ^^) so I really hope you enjoyed todays chapter! And if you dont enjoy this Ship please skip and wait for tomorrows chapter! Luv you all!!

Daily thanks!

Thank you too all new readers! And also originals, firsts and regulars! I enjoy all the support and luv from ♡you all♡

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Thank you too all new readers! And also originals, firsts and regulars! I enjoy all the support and luv from ♡you all♡




As the ginger sighed before opening her eyes too see a some what dark room as the ginger pouted before opening the blinds too atleast expose a bit a moon light in the room, being alone in a house is no fun for the ginger as the ginger yawned 'Why can't I sleep...' the ginger pouted even more 'Its a good thing I still dont have school...'the ginger batted her tired eyes before her eyes gazing on her phone constipating whether of not she should call a certain pudding head, yep, the first thing that came up to mind was the pudding head why? Heres a little flashback from yesterday night

While the ginger took off her Kimono and yet, the little pumpkin decided to go home with Takeru for a sleepover since The pumpkin was kind off...well... let's just say she really does like Takeru alot ^^" to much to be the ginger sighed "Natsuuu...~ do you like Takeru-kun more then me...?" The Ginger groaned pouting as the ginger then went to take a bath before hearing a quick buzz on her phone the ginger then quickly perked up and fixed her gaze too the phone before picking it up "A text from Kenma?" The ginger tilted her head



Kenma? Arent you playing
At this hour?

You're awake? I didnt expect

Hai! I just came home from
The festival today!

Festival? Oh, it was today?
I was hoping of inviting you.

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