Funny Case

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We made it to Scotland Yard and entered Lestrade's dull office. The wiltering plants and strip lights failed to provide to bring any form of life other then the Inspector himself. When we arrived, we found said man going through a filing cabinet.

"You only like the funny cases, don't you? The surprising ones?" He asks Sherlock, not looking up from his task.

"Obviously." Sherlock answered in a 'duh' tone.

"You're gonna love this." He turned around and noticed John and me standing slightly behind our taller companion. "Hi."

"Inspector." We say together, dipping our heads slightly.

"That explosion." Lestrade says.

"Gas leak, yes?" Sherlock clarifies.

"Let me guess, it was made to look like one." I input, knowing the answer.

Lestrade takes a look at me and nods his head in confirmation.

"Hardly anything left of the place. Except a strong box. A very strong box." He informs, pulling out an envelope. "And inside was this."

Handing to Sherlock, I go over to look at the cream colored envelope. Delicately written was Sherlock's first and last name, hand-written.

"You haven't opened it?" I ask, looking at Lestrade in surprise.

"Addressed to Sherlock, isn't it? We've x-rayed it. Not booby trapped." Lestrade informs.

"How reassuring." Sherlock says, rolling his eyes. He examines the envelope and hands it to me.

"Tell me about this." He says, looking down at me.

Gingerly, I take the envelope and give a slight nod. I take a deep breath and begin to deduct the little package.

"Very nice stationary. Bohemian. From the Czech Republic. They're clean, no fingerprints were left. Right?" I begin, looking to Lestrade for confirmation about the fingerprints.

"Right." He nods.

"She used a fountain pen." I deduce. "Parker Duofold. Iridium nib."

"She?" John asks from behind.

"Obviously, I've never met a man with this delicate looking hand writing." I reply, looking over my left shoulder.

"Obviously." He replies as if that was common knowledge.

"Care to open it, Sherlock?" I ask, handing the envelope back to him smiling.

He takes it from my hand and gives me a smirk. "Well done."

Pride fills in my chest, and I stand straighter. Sherlock carefully opens the envelope and dumps out the content. What poured out was an iPhone in a pink case.

"But that's, that's the phone, the pink phone-" John stumbles out, but Leatrade cuts him off.

"What, from 'A Study in Pink'?" Lestrade asks confused.

"Well it isn't, of course, but it's supposed to look like it-" I began bit Sherlock interrupts me.

"'A Study in Pink'? You read his blog?" Sherlock says in disbelief, looking at Lestrade.

"'Course I read his blog, we all do. Do you two really not know the earth goes around the sun?" He asks the two of us, causing a snort of laughter to come from a few desks away from us.

I go out the door and glare at Donovan and Anderson, knowing it was those two idiots. Donovan let's out a small cough and looks away, pretending she wasn't listening. Anderson scurries away under my gaze, actively making himself look smaller.

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