Third POV

Sherlock sat in his chair, typing away on his laptop after John had left. He heard a slam of the door shortly after, but paid no mind to it. He was so close to solving the case, nothing else mattered. Before he clicked the enter button he stopped and thought about Hazel. Should she be there with him? He shook his head, clearing any thoughts of her and hit the enter button. Shortly after he had entered instructions to meet the killer at the pool at midnight, Sherlock sat quietly and waited.

After about thirty minuets, he quickly grew bored and set off to Hazel's flat. Rushing down the stairs, he went to knock on the wooden door and found it had been left ajar. Pushing it open, he entered the small flat and looked around. Her brown boots were by the door as per usual, he coat hanging on the coat rack. A buzzing noise drew his attention to the floor, finding the phone face down. He picked it up and found the caller was his brother. He hit the decline button and ran out of the flat in search of the girl.

The cold brisk air hit Sherlock in the face like a slap, but he did not mind. He searched up and down the street looking for any clues as to Hazel's whereabouts. Something sparkled in the street light directly into his line of vision. Couching down, he picked up the shiny object and examined it.

It was broken from being ripped off, but the thick ring was still hanging onto the chain. It wasn't just any ring, but Hazel's constellation ring that she kept on her at all times. A gift her brother gave back to her her first week in the flat. Sherlock looked at his watch to see it was nearing midnight. If he left now, he would make it t the pool exactly at midnight.

Meanwhile at the pool, Hazel was bound in chains to a wall. She was sitting against the wall, arms raised. Her face was bruised and bleeding from the punches she was enduring from Moriarty's man.

"Stop." A cold voice ordered from the shadows. stepping out was the man of the hour himself, a smile on his face. "Let's leave her recognizable at least."

Moriarty tilted his head to look at her face, but she lowered her head to block his sight.

"Look at me." He ordered. When she refused, he gave a nod to his man. He grabbed her by the hair and forced her to look at the psychotic man. "There, that's better."

Hazel glared at the man and spit blood at his shoes. The man holding her hair gave her harsh slap across her face, but she never made a noise. Slowly she raised her head and gave the man a small, sadistic smile.

"There's my Roxie. I missed you, you know." Moriarty hummed, his hands in his pockets. "Do they know about us?" Hazel's face remained stone cold, but her chocolate eyes betrayed her.

"Leave them out of this" She warned lowly.

"Oh, but I can't. After I lost my first toy, I had to replace it." He explained.

Suddenly a door was heard opening, Moriarty shushed all of them, his eyes full of excitement.

"Show time."

Hazel was gagged and forced to her feet, following her enemy to the door. Moriarty sent the man away and grabbed the chain that was around her wrists. He moved close to her face, and whispered in her ear.

"If you do anything wrong, they will die." He threatened.

Fear filled Hazel's mind as she imagined her brother and friend's bodies dead on the pool floor.

Sherlock had entered the pool and was looking for the man who had been the source of his entertainment. Sherlock had brandished his coat, carrying a gun and Hazel's necklace in his pockets. His footsteps, along with the lapping water, echoed throughout the empty building.

The Soldier and Consulting DetectiveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant