Part 4- long conversations

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A/n: I am from England so I know nothing about American college so if I get anything wrong please tell me

Your POV (unless I say otherwise all parts start in your POV)

I tried my best to get some sleep last night but I just couldn't because all I was thinking about was Alex. He insists that I call him Alex now and not Quackity because we are friends and his friends call him by his real name. It's weird to think that he considers us friends even though we have only been talking for less than 2 weeks now but I like it. I also told him to call be by my nickname so that we were even.

While we were talking last night I told Alex a few more personal things about my life and he did the same. I felt like we bonded over some of the struggles we have faced over our short time alive.

I peeled myself from my bed wishing I had just got a few more hours sleep to attend my online lecture that I had this morning. I logged into the class before quickly leaving the room to go and get a breakfast bar and a glass of water. The lecture actually went by pretty quickly, mainly because we were just doing a few simple tasks in between the teacher going over the content. The lecture finished at 11:30 but I didn't move from my seat till just after 12:30 because I was editing a video to put on my main channel and answering e mails.

I had been so productive that I decided to give myself a break to get ready for the day and get some lunch. I decided that I felt good today so I put on a cute dress that clung to my body a bit, I normally don't feel good when I wear things like this but I have been trying to tell myself that I am beautiful no matter what. (That goes for you reading this too) I did a cute makeup look to go with my outfit but I left my hair in its natural state.

Over lunch I checked my phone for the first time today to see that pretty much no one had tried to contact me other than some scammer which isn't at all depressing to think about. At least I had people on twitter to keep me entertained. Speaking of which I had a new follower that stood out to me, his name was Karl Jacobs I looked through his tweets and it looks like he is close with Alex. I followed him back with a slight hesitation as to how he knew my twitter and why he wanted to follow me.

After I took my break my enthusiasm to do work had gone and now I was just tired so I compromised with myself and decided to venture outside to take some instagram pictures in the garden of my apartment building. There is a corner of the garden which had a bunch of pretty flowers in it which is where I took my instagram pictures. Afterwards I went back inside to edit the pictures a bit in light room before posting them for the internet to see.

I had planned to be productive all day so I wasn't going to stream but since I gave up on the millions of other things I should be doing I decided to make use of my time and stream for a few hours. I wasn't playing Minecraft for once either, I decided to play FNAF because my viewers had been begging me to do it for ages now so I set it as a sub goal which didn't take long to achieve after streaming with Alex so now I have to play. I really hate horror games I get so scared at any little thing that moves but I was going to do it any way.

I made it through the first night pretty easily with a little help from the chat telling me how the game worked. Night 2 was also pretty straightforward I did lose twice but the 3rd time I made it through. Night 3 however I just could not complete, every time I checked one thing something would come in and scare me. I was getting kind of frustrated with myself that I couldn't do it and chat were no help either everything they suggested didn't work and I had no idea what to do. I tried at least 10 more times before noticing chat spamming call big Q, I asked them if he was good at FNAF and they all said yes so I messaged him first asking if he would be ok to call me which he said yes to.

He called me through discord and taught me how to share my screen so he could see what was going on as well as hear before we tried again. The first time round he told me to close the left door but them something came through the right one which scared me so bad that I almost fell off my chair.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean for it to do that, are you ok?" He asked

"I'm fine it just really made me jump thats all" I replied

"Ok, you're doing really good by the way it took me longer to do night 2 the first time I played" he reassured me

"Thank you" I said

We got back into it and this time he told me to shut the correct door and we made it though night 3. But this point I was exhausted but had gotten too far to stop now so we continue to night 4. Night 4 wasn't too bad although we did fail twice because we didn't hear the noises over us talking.

Night 5 was the last one and by this point I was determined to complete the game and so was Alex. He hadn't completed night 5 in a while so he wasn't quite sure what was going to happen. We both worked together to listen for things and keep checking the cameras to see when the animatronics were coming. It was going so well until we missed foxy on the cameras and it came in and scared the shit out of the both of us. It took a lot more tries to get through night 5 but we finally did it and we both celebrated. I ended my stream right after but stayed on call with Alex so we could talk properly after.

Once my stream had ended me and Alex talked about what we had done today. He told me that he had been editing most of the day until I called him and I told him about all the things that I did. He didn't know that I was into posting on insta so I told him that it was kind of just something I do when I feel like it and to promote my twitch to new people. He looked at my insta and told me that I looked pretty in the picture I posted today. At that moment I was glad that he couldn't see my face because I know for a fact that it was as red a tomato.

We stayed in a voice call for a few more hours before he gave me his number and we switched to FaceTime. We talked on FaceTime until the early hours of the morning which was actually the best, normally I would be super tired if I did something like that but he kept me engaged enough that I forgot about sleep. We finally got off FaceTime at around 5am when the sun started to rise outside of my window which was when we both decided that we should probably get some sleep. The call ended but I was still wide awake thinking about him calling me pretty earlier on. Did he like me? Definitely not lets not be stupid there is no way he would like me back.

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