Part 29- settling in

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After we finished our food and I found the bin in the kitchen and we got to putting some things away. It's going to be a mammoth task that I probably won't finish for a few weeks but most needed things need to be put away.

We started with the kitchen because there was the least to do in that room because most of it was just putting dishes and cutlery into draws and cupboards which are all so bare, looking at how empty each cupboard was it reminded me that I'm going to have to spend so much money on food and other thing when I next go to the store. After the kitchen we moved onto the living room where Alex helped me move the sofa and other big furniture into the right place which took a few tries to get it looking how I wanted it to.

Alex is not the best when it come to decor things he just doesn't get it he thinks that I don't need to put little things in the middle of the coffee table or on the shelves around the place but it looks way too bare without it. I managed to convince him that at least some of it was necessary when I showed him the difference when I took everything away and showed him how weird it looked compared to the room with everything in it.

It only took a few hours to get most of the downstairs done, the only thing we haven't finished is the dining room because I need to get some chairs to go with the table not that I plan to use it that often. I wanted to take a break for a little bit so Alex dragged me out on a walk to see the neighbourhood.

We left the house and I locked the door, when I turned around Alex grabbed my hand and swung it back and forth a little as we walked. He had no idea where he was going but we went off anyway looking at all the other houses in the area, there was a few people out in their gardens who we said hello to. All of the people in the area were very nice we had small conversations with them and some invited me to come round if I ever need anything.

We got back round to my house the lady that we met when I first looked round was out in her garden again this time with her husband. I gave Alex a look because last time we saw them I told her we weren't dating and just friends but here we are together again and holding hands.

"Hello again love I take it its you moving in next door" she said

"Yes, I'm sorry for all the commotion this morning" I replied

" oh it's no bother sweetie it's all part of the process it will be lovely to have someone young around here" she said as her husband came to join her

"Who is this?" Her husband asked

"I'm y/n and this is my friend Alex I just moved in next door" I replied

We talked to them for a little bit to waste some time, they were both really nice and offered to make us something for dinner so I don't have to go food shopping but I told them that it was fine.

We went back inside to start on my office which I was really not looking forward to because setting all my stuff back up is going to be much harder than taking it down. I'm glad Alex is here to help me or else I think I would probably do it all wrong and delete something important.

I unboxed everything to start with and then we put my desk together where we arranged everything to how I wanted it before plugging anything in. I worked on my monitors while Alex sorted out my pc because he knew what he was doing with that thing so he said, turns out he actually didn't know how to work my pc and things went a little wrong. He ended up calling philza for help who told him right away what he was doing wrong and helped us get everything going. Once all of it was together I went onto twitch and did a test stream to make sure it was all working which it was. I high-fived Alex at our successful work.

There was still a mountain of stuff to do so we started on that we got my bedroom together which involved a lot of building ikea furniture. Me and Alex worked together building each thing with me reading the instructions but I didn't tell him that because he thought he could do it without and I didn't want to upset him. We made a really good team I read the next step making sure things went in the right place and Alex put most of it together with my help holding things.

We put together all the things and put them in their place and Alex helped me put my clothes away, he also set up the very few things I had for the spare room, I felt awful because there was no where for Alex to sleep because I had no idea that he was coming.

As the evening drew in we finally finished everything we could or that we could be bothered to do. We dragged ourselves down the stairs and collapsed on the sofa both exhausted from all the work we had done today, I sat on one side of the sofa and Alex on the other but he soon moved closer and put his arm around me to pull me closer to him. We cuddled on the sofa for a little while before Alex ordered dinner for us which I told him he didn't have to do but he insisted.

"You don't have to order dinner you've helped me all day let me order it" I said

"Well I'm the one that came over here without telling you plus I want to treat you" he smiled

"Ok fine but I owe you" I reasoned

"You don't but if it makes you happy to think you do then go ahead" he said

He pulled me onto his lap and he started to rub my shoulders gently relieving the tension that had built up over the past week or so of stress, it was very relaxing he was very gentle so it didn't hurt but it took away the knots in my muscles. After some time he stopped and leant round kissing the tip of my nose just as the doorbell rang making the both of us jump, I got up to go to the door but Alex followed me making sure he could be seen when I opened the door just incase.

I got the food from the delivery driver and tipped him before heading back to the living room with Alex to stuff our faces with way too much food but thats what nights like these are for. We sat on the sofa and watched some of the office on Netflix because I haven't got the tv fully set up.

We watched about 10 episodes before switching shows and watching something else for a bit. I got tired so I tried to lie down a little to rest my head, I shuffled around trying to get comfy but before I could Alex pulled me to him and got me to rest my head in his lap. He played with my hair and massaged my scalp which made me even sleepier so I closed my eyes just to let them rest for a minute. Turns out I fell asleep for about an hour before a noise on the tv woke me up, Alex was still playing with my hair while watching the tv obviously waiting for me to wake up.

"You're awake, how was your nap?" He asked

"It was alright I'm still tired though" I replied rubbing my eyes

"Do you want to head to bed?" He asked

"Yeah, you can have my bed and I'll sleep down here" I said

"No its your first night here you are not sleeping on the sofa" he argued

"Ok how about we compromise because I don't want you to have to sleep down here and I know you won't give in so why don't we just share the bed its not like we haven't before" I said

"Sounds good to me" he replied

Alex picked me up and carried me upstairs putting me on the floor in the bedroom so that I could get changed into shorts and a t-shirt for bed and do my skincare routine which I tried to do as quickly as possible.

When I got out the bathroom Alex was sat at the end of the bed but he laid down when I got into bed. He put his arm around me so I could rest my head on his chest, I could hear his heart beating and could feel him breathing which was very calming and made me drift right off to sleep.

Authors note: happy pride month everyone sorry its not on the 1st but I didn't want to just put this on my message board I wanted to put it in a chapter. Everyone is excepted here and any of you in the community I love you (platonically) 🏳️‍🌈

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