Part 35- opportunity

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⚠️Mental health and anxiety are mentioned but mainly because I think it's important to talk about⚠️

I woke up after my lore stream last night to see my name still tending on twitter, I was so happy that people loved it as much as they did and were actually excited for my character arc. The amount of subs I had gained both on twitch and on YouTube overnight was insane I had hit my sub goal and went about 1000 over it which I could have never imagined ever happening.

Since the rise in my following I have received a lot more brand deals most of which are stupid things I would never promote like those teeth whitening things and weight loss teas but some were some really cool things. I used to do all of this stuff myself but since I've grown it hasn't been manageable especially with all the other things I have to do so I got a manager to help with certain things.

Pretty much as soon as I woke up I received a call from my manager which he doesn't do often so I knew it was something important so I picked up. He seemed super stoked about something which he soon explained that I had got a few exciting emails. One was about becoming a brand ambassador for a charity that I have supported for a long time, another was to model some new clothes for an athletic brand which was cool and the last one was an interview in a podcast. Of course I wanted to do all of them so my manager sent me the emails and we went through details making sure it would work with my schedule which luckily everything did because it was either before I leave for Mexico or when I'm back from England.

Gosh my day is off to an interesting start is this what its like being a proper content creator because if so I'm loving it. Sure I know it's going to get a bit overwhelming when I have a bunch of projects going on at once but it will all be worth it when my followers get to see it. Like the podcast that is in a few days and goes out the week after and I just can't wait for people to listen to it and see what they think of me branching out from just streaming and YouTube.

I got sent another email confirming things for the podcast which was going to be mostly chill just talking about whatever topic kind of comes up as well as a bit of answering questions which I'm more than up for.

I got so excited that I text Alex with all the things I have gotten myself into because this is my first time doing anything like this and I knew he would be excited which he was because he responded straight away with just a random series of letters followed by a FaceTime call. He was still in bed but we talked for a little while as he woke up and as I began doing a bit of editing. He also talked through some of the questions I might be asked and I gave him my answers some of which we tweaked a little to something that would better suit my boundaries.

Skip a few days

Today is podcast day which I'm so excited about I've been thinking about it for the past few days constantly and I've nearly told my chat about it but I managed to stop myself because I don't know if I'm allowed to mention it until it comes out. Luckily I have a few hours to get myself prepared for this podcast, it is also being filmed to go out on YouTube so I need to actually make myself look good.

I washed my hair last night so all I had to do was lightly curl it to make it all even, I did a light bit of makeup with a light bit of eyeshadow to define my eyes as well as some concealer to cover the spots I had gained over the past few days because sadly I'm still a teenager. I also got dressed into a cute pair of dark grey jeans and a top which complimented my eye colour. It didn't take me too long to get ready so I had some time to edit a video thats going out on my second channel which was just a simple Q&A but it takes time to insert all the tweets I answered questions from.

After about an hour it was time for the podcast so I turned my webcam on making sure it was recording and getting my mic set up properly. I received a call on discord from the people who host the podcast which I accepted and they both greeted me first before starting the recording. They introduced me to their audience and explained a little bit about what I do.

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