Part 17- comfort

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I had to run but I couldn't help but think it was too late they were coming. I didn't know what they were but they were after me and were trying to kill me. I had found a small little covering in the forest I was in but I was about to be caught so I had to run, I had no way to defend myself and no one to save me.

Did no one care enough to save me?

I heard the footsteps behind me so I ran for my life with the knowledge that these people or creatures could for sure run faster than me. The scariest part was that if I died no one would know nor would they care probably I mean no one was here to help me. Not even him.

I ran until my legs physically couldn't anymore, its time to give in. Why not let fate take its course. There is no point running when you know that life will catch up with you eventually. The creatures caught up with me and I finally saw what they looked like, they were dark faceless creatures with no form of emotion or remorse for what they were doing at all.

Before I could think they had taken me out and all I could do was watch my lifeless body on the floor. That when it hit me that I had died and the tears flowed down my face.

Alex's POV

I was woken up only after a few hours of sleep to small screams and sobs coming from somewhere, I panicked immediately that something awful was happening so I shot up to see what was happening.

When my eyes adjusted to the darkness I could see that y/n was shaking and crying in her sleep. I knew she was having a nightmare and clearly a horrible one. I took a few minutes to decided whether to wake her up or not but eventually I decided I couldn't leave her in whatever horrible place her subconscious had taken her it was just too heartbreaking to watch.

I got up and walked over to the air mattress she was sleeping on sitting right at the edge next to her before trying to wake her up gently by rubbing my hands up and down her arms as well as moving them a little bit. She started to stir a bit so I continued with what I was doing until she was fully awake. When she woke up she gasped and then screamed a little bit luckily not too loudly but I could tell she was scared.

Your POV

I was stripped away from my dream world of horror just to see a pitch black room, I kind of screamed and gasped which wasn't something I wanted to do it just happened. As my eyes adjusted to the darkness I saw Alex sat next to me on the mattress, he must have noticed that I saw having a nightmare and was the one that woke me up.

"Are you ok?" He asked

"I think so I just had a nightmare I'll be fine you can go back to sleep" I replied

"You're clearly not ok, you're still shaking "he said

"Ok fine maybe I'm still a little scared but I will be fine in a few minutes" I said

He gave me a look to say that he was not having that, I gave in at this point and let him pull me into a hug which was really comforting. I explained to him what happen in the nightmare and he only held me tighter as if he let go I would go back. He helped me calm down so that I wasn't shaking and my breathing was more regular, while hugging me Alex had moved further onto the bed and pulled me into his lap so that he could hold me tighter.

Once I had calmed down he made me sit on the bed so we could watch something for a little bit until I fell asleep again. He grabbed his laptop and sat in on his lap so that we could watch Brooklyn 99 (if you havent watched it you need to) which I told him at one point was my favourite show, it made me smile slightly that he had remembered that.

We watched a few episodes before I started to get tired again, I had planned to go back on sleep on the air mattress so that I didn't embarrass myself or overstep any boundaries but that quickly went out the window when I rested my eyes and drifted of to sleep.

Alex's POV (sorry there is a lot of POV switching in this one)

Me and y/n were laying down on the bed watching Brooklyn 99 which was her favourite show just to help her get tired again. We had watched a few episodes before I noticed her close her eyes and then fall asleep not long after, I turned off the show and just watched her sleep for a bit to make sure she was ok.

Not too long after she fell asleep she turned over and snuggled into my chest which made me blush a little, despite that I put my arm around her which made her come closer. I loved having her so close to me, it was like a sign that she trusted me which she had mentioned she has trouble with which made it even better.

I decided that I should get some sleep too so I settled down a little bit which made y/n stir slightly but she didn't wake up she just fell back asleep this time with her leg over mine. I rested my head on hers and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Your POV

I woke up in remembering what happened last night, I was laying right on top of Alex which made me a bit nervous and caused my face to blush. I had my head on his chest and our legs were all intertwined, in all honesty it was comfortable. I was very conscious of the fact that we only met in person less than 24 hours ago but being so close with Alex did feel right. I closed my eyes again waiting for Alex to wake up seeing as he had his arm around me so if I moved he would wake up.

After another half an hour Alex woke up and removed his arm from around my waist, he looked at me and smiled. I took the opportunity to move away a little but I was still right next to him so he didn't think I hated him because I most certainly don't.

"morning, are you doing ok?" he asked

"good morning and yeah I'm doing much better now thanks. I'm sorry about sleeping on you too" I said

"It's fine you don't need to worry about it I'm just glad you got some sleep" he replied

We talked a little more before both getting up and getting ready because we had somewhere exciting to be today.

Authors note: sorry that not a lot happens in this part I just thought it was cute and then I wanted to separate what happens in the next part.

Streamer ~ Quackity x readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora