Part 21- MCC

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A/n: this is going to be based on Quackity's first MCC not the most recent one

My alarm went off signalling that it was a new day, I looked at my phone and all it said was MCC which is what I named my alarm for Today. I knew I didn't have to get up but I wanted to be there as support because it was Alex's first MCC and just incase he needed help with anything in my setup.

In the distance I heard an another alarm which meant that Alex was also up so I was good to go into my bedroom. I still knocked on the door to make sure I was good to come in, to my surprise the door opened and Alex let me in.

"Morning" he said

"Morning, you ok? You ready for MCC?" I asked

"Yeah I'm all good but I'm not sure about ready I don't know how to do half of the games" he said

"You'll do fine I know a bit so if you need any help I'm here" I said

"Thanks I'm probably going to need it" he laughed

We talked a little bit more while I grabbed some clothes from my wardrobe to change into just incase I ended up on stream which I had a feeling I was going to. After grabbing something to wear I left the room to go to the bathroom so that Alex could get changed as well. I put on by blue checked tennis skirt with a white crop top as well as some white air forces, the outfit actually looked quite cute considering I kind of picked it at random trying to be quick. I put on some eyeshadow and mascara but only put concealer on my face because I didn't think it needed much more, as usual my hair was a bit of a mess but I left it how it was because there is just no saving it at times.

When I was ready I made my way back to the living room and went straight to the kitchen where Alex was pouring out cereal for the both of us which reminded me that I still needed to get food which I should probably do later. He handed me the bowl and I thanked him as we both sat down to quickly eat before he has to start streaming.

The time we had went by really quickly and before I knew it I had to help Alex set up his stream, I logged out of my twitch account and let him log into his before we stored discord out which was a bit more difficult for some reason. I let him adjust all my setting to have them how he wanted them making sure to keep note of how I have them so I can change it back at some point. After some fiddling around I thought we managed to get everything working so Alex started his stream and I stood close by but off camera.

He started his stream but his chat couldn't hear him and neither could anyone in discord so I had to come and help. I fixed the mic for the stream first having to in the end just flip a simple switch which for some reason wasn't on and then I looked at discord which seemed to be fine so I rebooted it and reconnected to the MCC discord server which seemed to fix the issue at least for now. After that I got out the way and sat on my bed watching from a distance as to not interrupt much more than I already had.

"Y/n my chat is begging for you to say hi" Alex said

"Hi chat, sorry for interrupting earlier but everything was broken" I said moving towards my camera

"Don't be sorry they love you, I think they want you to be here more than they want me here" Alex said

I laughed saying goodbye to chat before going back to my position on the bed. It was a little while before the tournament actually started but when it did everyone went into the decision dome to decide on the first game that would be played. The first game was hole in the wall which was pretty self explanatory so Alex was fine with that one.

This MCC was a special one for Halloween so everyone had costumes on and Alex's team which consisted of him, Wilbur, Fundy and Tommy had their normal skins on backwards which I didn't notice at first but it was way more obvious during the game. It was so confusing looking at them seemingly facing the wrong way when in fact their weren't.

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